Legal Notice – Oct. 8, 2015: Lockhart and Caldwell County (Texas)



The City of Martindale is soliciting proposals from a qualified engineering firm (registered to practice in the State of Texas) to prepare budget/BCA/scopes of work/draft specifications for the preparation of FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) applications for drainage activities which may include street and wastewater system

improvements and the subsequent preliminary and final design plans and necessary interim and final inspections required by the city for the implementation of the HMGP project if funded.


Please submit three (3) copies of your proposal of services, a statement of qualifications, resumes of key personnel, references and a list of jobs performed under this or similar programs to the City Administrator’s Office, 409 Main Street, Martindale, TX 78655.


Proposals must be received by the city no later than 2:00 p.m. on October 19, 2015 to be considered. The City of Martindale reserves the right to negotiate with any and all engineering firms that submit proposals, per the Texas Professional Services Procurement Act and the Uniform Grant and Contract Management Standards.


For more information, contact Sylvia Gomez. Para más información en español, comuníquese con Sylvia Gomez al (512) 357-2639.


The City of Martindale is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and strives to attain goals for Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 (12 U.S.C. 1701u) as amended



The City of Martindale is soliciting proposals from a qualified management/consultant firm for grant writing services to prepare FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) applications for drainage activities which may include street and wastewater system improvements and the subsequent management/administration of the HMGP project if funded.


Please submit three (3) copies of your proposal of services, a statement of qualifications, and a proposed cost schedule for these proposed services to the City Administrator’s Office, 409 Main Street, Martindale, TX 78655.


Proposals must be received by the city no later than 2:00 p.m. on October 19, 2015 to be considered. The City of Martindale reserves the right to negotiate with any and all management firms that submit proposals, as per the Texas Professional Services Procurement Act and the Uniform Grant and Contract Management Standards.


For more information, contact Sylvia Gomez. Para más información en español, comuníquese con Sylvia Gomez al (512) 357-2639.


The City of Martindale is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and strives to attain goals for Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 (12 U.S.C. 1701u) as amended








Pursuant to Chapter 13.2502 of the Texas Water Code, Martindale Water Supply Corporation

hereby gives notice that any person who subdivides land by dividing any lot, tract, or parcel of land, within the services of Martindale Water Supply Corporation, Certificate of Convenience and Necessity No. 10312, in Caldwell and Guadalupe Counties, into two or more lots or sites for the purpose of sale or development, whether immediateor future, including re-subdivision of land for which a plat has been filed and recorded or requests more than two water service connections on a single contiguous tract of land must comply with Subdivision Service

section (the “Subdivision

Policy”) contained in the Martindale Water Supply Corporation’s tariff.

Martindale Water Supply Corporation is not required to extend retail water service to a service applicant in a subdivision

where the developer of the subdivision has failed to comply with the Subdivision Policy.

Applicable elements of the Subdivision

Policy include:

Evaluation by the Martindale Water Supply Corporation of the impact a proposed subdivision service extension will make on the Martindale Water Supply Corporation’s water supply system and payment of the costs for the evaluation;

Payment of reasonable costs or fees by the developer for providing water supply service capacity;

Payment of fees for reserving water supply capacity;

Forfeiture of reserved water supply service capacity for failure to pay applicable fees;

Payment of cost of any improvements to the Martindale Water Supply Corporation’s system that are necessary to provide the water service:

Construction according to design approved by the Martindale Water Supply Corporation and dedication by the developer of water facilities within the subdivision following inspection.

The Martindale Water Supply Corporation’s tariff and a map showing Martindale Water Supply Corporation’s service area may be reviewed at the

MWSC’s office at 206 Main St., Martindale, Texas; the tariff/policy and service area map are also filed on record at the Texas Commission for Environmental Quality in Austin, Texas, and may be reviewed by contacting

the TCEQ c/o Utility Rates and Services Section, Water Utilities Division, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.


Bid Notice

Lockhart ISD requests statements of qualifications from those interested parties for PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION THERAPISTS, OR CONSULTANTS. For the qualification package, please contact Tanya Homann at 512-398-0052 or fax 512-398-0031. The qualification statements are due November 3, 2015, at 2:00 p.m. CST at Attn: Tanya Homann, Lockhart ISD, 105 S. Colorado St., Lockhart, TX 78644. No faxed or emailed proposals will be accepted. Lockhart ISD reserves the right to reject any or all proposals.


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