Legal Notices – June 20, 2013: Lockhart and Caldwell County (Texas)




Public Bid

Concrete Sidewalk Work

The City of Lockhart is receiving sealed bids from qualified contractors until 4 pm, June 27, 2013, at City Hall, 308 W San Antonio Street, Lockhart, Texas, 78644, for up to:


1. 5,000 sf of excavation, disposal, and placement of new sidewalk (minimum o

f 100 sf per location) bid per sf

2. 40 handicap ramps including excavation, disposal, and placement-per ramp

3. 2,000 sf of removal, disposal, and replacement of existing sidewalk and/or flatwork (minimum of 100 sf per location) bid per sf


Work to be performed in various locations within the City. All work to be performed within 90 days of contract execution in accordance with City specifications which may be obtained during normal business hours at City Hall. Workers’ Compensation and General Liability Insurance naming the City of Lockhart as a co-insured will be required prior to contract execution. Questions may be directed to Vance Rodgers at (512) 398-3461.


The City of Lockhart reserves the right to reject any and all bids.






DATED JUNE 03, 2013

and issued pursuant to judgment decree(s) of the District Court of Caldwell County, Texas, by the Clerk of said Court on said date,    in the hereinafter numbered and styled suit(s) and to me directed and delivered as Sheriff or Constable of said County, I have on     June 3, 2013, seized, levied upon, and will, on the first Tuesday in July, 2013, the same being the 2nd day of said month, at the       San Antonio Street Door, 110 South Main Street of the Courthouse of the said County, in the City of Lockhart, Texas, between the hours of 10 o”clock a.m. and 4 o”clock p.m. on said day 10:00 AM, proceed to sell for cash to the highest bidder all the right, title, and interest of the defendants in such suit(s) in and to the following described real estate levied upon as the property of said defendants, the same lying and being situated in the County of Caldwell and the State of Texas, to-wit:


6750, Account No(s). 0010877-000-119-00 (R55088 and 28589), SAN MARCOS CONSOLIDATED INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND CALDWELL COUNTY VS. JUANITA TERESA ORTIZ, ET AL,  Tract 119 of Skyview Subdivision, a subdivision in Caldwell County, Texas, and being that property more particularly described in Volume 95, Page 562, Official Public Records of Caldwell County, Texas, together with a 28X68 Fleetwood/Greenhill Manufactured Home, bearing Label Nos. RAD1084175/6, Serial Nos. TXFLW84A/B15431GH12, situated thereon., with an adjudged value of $62,130.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $5,590.00;

Sale Notes:

8131, Account No(s). 23653, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT VS. ELLEN SCOTT, ET AL,  Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 46, Original Townsite, City of Luling, Caldwell County, Texas, as described in Volume 489, Page 818, Official Records of Caldwell County, Texas., with an adjudged value of $26,000.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $2,492.00;

Sale Notes:

08-T-8371, Account No(s). 14214, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT VS. MARVIN SOSA, ALSO KNOWN AS  MARVIN REYNALDO SOSA, JR., ET AL,  4.15 acres, more or less, situated in the John J. Bowman Survey, Abstract 35, Caldwell  County, Texas, as described in deed dated December 21, 2000, from Harold G. Wheat, et al to Marvin Sosa et ux, in Volume 254, Page 818, Official Public Records of Real Property of Caldwell County, Texas., with an adjudged value of $44,670.00, and an Estimated  minimum opening bid of $1,966.00;

Sale Notes:

09-T-8407, Account No(s). 26146, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. WILLO COLLINS, JR.,      Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, Roosevelt Heights Addition, an addition to the City of Luling, Caldwell County, Texas, as described in  Volume 365, Page 953, Official Records of Caldwell County, Texas., with an adjudged value of $10,150.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid  of $693.00;

Sale Notes:

09-T-8414, Account No(s). 36990, CALDWELL COUNTY, ET AL VS. BENITO ALVAREZ, JR., ALSO KNOWN AS BENNY J. ALVAREZ, JR., ET AL,  1.00 acre, more or less, situated in the Thomas Yates League, Caldwell County, Texas, as described in deed dated May 3, 2006, from Janie Alvarez Ovalle to Benito Alvarez, Jr., in Volume 454, Page 752, Deed Records of Caldwell County, Texas., with an adjudged value of $31,980.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $6,294.00;

Sale Notes:

09-T-8414, Account No(s). 32948, CALDWELL COUNTY, ET AL VS. BENITO ALVAREZ, JR., ALSO KNOWN AS BENNY J.  ALVAREZ, JR., ET AL,  1.00 acre, more or less, situated in the Thomas Yates League, Abstract 313, Caldwell County, Texas, as  described in deed dated June 29, 2000, from Benito C. Alvarez et ux to Benny Alvarez, Jr., in Volume 242, Page 113, Official Records of Caldwell County, Texas., with an adjudged value of $145,000.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $26,535.00;

Sale Notes:

09-T-8427, Account No(s). 37117, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT VS. JESUS MENDEZ, DBA IGLESIA DEL DIOS VIVO COLUMNA Y APOYO DE LA VERDAD LA LUZ DEL MUNDO, ET AL,  0.314 acre, more or less, situated in the Isaac Weldon Survey, Abstract 27, Caldwell County, Texas, as described in deed dated November, 8, 2006, from Margarito Flores, et ux to Iglesia Del Dios Vivo Columna y Apoyo de la Verdad La luz del Mundo, in Volume 480, Page 457, Official Records of Caldwell County, Texas., with an adjudged value of $83,220.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $3,680.00;

Sale Notes:

09-T-8459, Account No(s). 19617, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT VS. MARGARITO MEDINA,  Lots 8 and 9,  Block 1, Navarro Addition, an Addition to the City of Lockhart, Caldwell County, Texas, as described in volume 142, page 351, Official Public Records of Real Property of Caldwell County, Texas., with an adjudged value of $17,950.00, and an Estimated  minimum opening bid of $2,840.00;

Sale Notes:


10-T-8564, Account No(s). 39371, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT VS. JUAN M. MORALES, ET AL,   Manufactured Home; 27.5 X 56 Marlette Mobile Home on Lot 3 Block B Cityview, Label #RAD1115296/RAD1115295 Serial        #MV404386A/MV404386B, Title #01030368, Caldwell County, Texas., with an adjudged value of $38,950.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $6,819.00;

Sale Notes:

11-T-8670, Account No(s). 50991, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. ROBERT L. CHANEY,    Personal Property Consisting of a 14″ x 56″ Manufactured Home, Caldwell County, Texas., with an  adjudged value of $12,070.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $2,903.00;

Sale Notes:

(any volume and page references, unless otherwise indicated, being to the Deed Records, Caldwell County, Texas, to which instruments  reference may be made for a more complete description of each respective tract.) or, upon the written request of said defendants or their attorney, a sufficient portion of the property described above shall be sold to satisfy said judgment(s), interest, penalties, and cost; and any property sold shall be subject to the right of redemption of the defendants or any person having an interest therein, to redeem the said property, or their interest therein, within the time and in the manner provided by law, and shall be subject to any other and further rights to which the defendants or anyone interested therein may be entitled, under the provisions of law. Said sale to be made by me to satisfy the judgment(s) rendered in the above styled and numbered cause(s), together with interest, penalties, and costs of suit, and the proceeds of said sales to be applied to the satisfaction thereof, and the remainder, if any, to be applied as the law directs.


Dated at Lockhart, Texas, June 3, 2013

Caldwell County, Texas



Sheriff Daniel Law



The Minimum Bid is the lesser of the amount awarded in the judgment plus interest and costs or the adjudged value. However,       the Minimum Bid for a person owning an interest in the property or for a person who is a party to the suit (other than a taxing unit),     is the aggregate amount of the judgments against the property plus all costs of suit and sale.  ALL SALES SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION WITHOUT NOTICE.  THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL TAXES DUE ON THE PROPERTY WHICH HAVE BEEN ASSESSED SINCE THE DATE OF THE JUDGMENT.  For more information, contact your attorney or         LINEBARGER GOGGAN BLAIR & SAMPSON, LLP., attorney for plaintiffs, at 5123985550X203




Pursuant to the provisions set forth in Chapter 59 of the Texas Property Code, Fogle Store & Lock will hold a public auction of property being sold to satisfy a landlord’s lien. Bids will be made for the contents of the entire unit only. Bids will be made for the contents of the entire unit only. Property will be sold to the highest bidder for cash only, and the highest bidder must place his lock on the unit door and take possession of the property immediately. Fogle Store and Lock shall reserve the right to reject any bids.


DATE: Thursday, June 27

TIME: 10:00 AM

LOCATION: 1000 State Park Road

Lockhart, Texas 78644


NAMES: Ashley Carter,

Anthony Trejo, John Stedman, Delores Torres-Martinez, Gilbert Rodriguez, Ruby Davila, Ernest Juarez.


Contents: Bicycles, Mattresses, TV’s, Clothes, Appliances, Furniture, Tools, Household Decorator Items, Bags and boxes.





The Caldwell County Appraisal District (“District”) makes this Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) for a qualified architect to design and plan a new headquarters building, with approximately 7,000 square of HVAC, space located in or near Lockhart, Texas. The architect must, among other things, have experience in designing new construction of government and commercial buildings, and any architectural drawings shall be the sole property of the District.  The District Board of Directors requests the following additional qualifications and information.


1. Knowledge and experience in local building codes, ordinances, and rules.

2. Knowledge and experience in the permitting process.

3. Experience in interacting with city staff in the procurement of building permits.

4. Knowledge of building materials remediation statutes, codes, ordinances, and rules.

5. Experience in AutoCad and other computer-aided design and drafting.

6. Proof of registration with the Texas Board of Architectural Examiners.

7. Academic background.

8. Summary of projects involving the design of governmental and commercial buildings.

9. History of the firm.

10. Names and resumes of each person who will be providing services.

11. Proposed compensation.

12. Name, address, phone number, email address and contact name of three references.

13. Draft agreement for architectural services.

The deadline to submit qualifications is July 12, 2013. The requested information is to be mailed, hand delivered, or sent by fax to

Ms. Mary LaPoint,

Chief Appraiser

Caldwell County

Appraisal District

610 San Jacinto

Lockhart, Texas 78644

Fax (512) 398-5551

The qualifications must be signed by the architect submitting the qualifications. The architect shall also submit, with the qualifications, a conflict of interest questionnaire and disclosure of interests questionnaire available from our website or office.

The Board of Directors expects to consider qualifications at the next meeting after the deadline. Thank you for your consideration.



The City of Lockhart Board of Adjustment will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, July 1, 2013, at 6:30 P.M. in the lower level of City Hall, 308 West San Antonio Street, Lockhart, Texas, to receive public input regarding the following:


SE-13-01.  A request by Salvador Cruz Morales for a Special Exception as provided in Section 64-130(c)(2), Chapter 64 “Zoning”, Lockhart Code of Ordinances, to allow a bar as a resumption of a nonconforming use that has been discontinued for a consecutive period exceeding six months on 0.374 acre in the Byrd Lockhart League, Abstract 17, zoned IH Industrial Heavy District and located at 308 North Colorado Street (US 183).


All interested persons owning property within 200 feet of this property who wish to state their support or opposition may do so at this Public Hearing, or they may submit a written statement to the City Planner for presentation to the Zoning Board of Adjustment at or before the time the public hearing begins.


Should any person be aggrieved by the Board’s decision, a written petition for appeal stating that the decision of the Board is illegal in whole or in part and specifying the grounds of the illegality, may be presented to a court of record within ten calendar days after the minutes of the meeting are approved by Board.


Dan Gibson, AICP

City Planner

512-398-3461, ext. 236









Valerie  Ann Hicks, in the above numbered and entitled estate filed an Application Issuance of Letters of Administration and Affidavit of Heirship, of  said BOBBY RAY HICKS, Deceased, and their respective shares and interests in this estate.


Said application will be heard and acted on by said Court at 10 o’clock A.M. on the first Monday next after the expiration of ten days from date of publication of this citation, at the County Courthouse in Lockhart, Texas.


All persons interested in said estate are hereby cited to appear before said Honorable Court at said above mentioned time and place by filing a written answer contesting such application should they desire to do so.

The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law, and the mandates hereof, and make due return as the law directs.


ISSUED UNDER MY HAND AND THE SEAL OF SAID COURT at office in Lockhart, Texas, the 14th day of  June, 2013.



Probate Court

Caldwell County, Texas

By Jackie Ramirez, Deputy



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