
Legal Notices: Nov. 21, 2013 – Lockhart and Caldwell County (Texas)









NOVEMBER 11, 2013

and issued pursuant to judgment decree(s) of the District Court of Caldwell County, Texas, by the Clerk of said Court on said date,    in the hereinafter numbered and styled suit(s) and to

me directed and delivered as Sheriff or Constable of said County, I have on November 11, 2013, seized, levied upon, and will, on the first Tuesday in December, 2013, the same being the 3rd day of said month, at the San Antonio Street Door, 110 South Main Street of the Courthouse of the said County, in the City of Lockhart, Texas, between the hours of 10 o”clock a.m. and 4 o”clock p.m. on said day 10:00 AM, proceed to sell for cash to the highest bidder all the right, title, and interest of the defendants in such suit(s) in and to the following described real estate levied upon as the property of said defendants, the same lying and being situated in the County of Caldwell and the State of Texas, to-wit:


6320, Account No(s). 17450, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT VS. CAROLYN DUKES SORRELLS,  0.120 Acre, more or less, out of the James George Survey, as described in Volume 208, Page 296, Deed Records of Caldwell County, Texas., with an adjudged value of $50,020.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $32,453.00;

Sale Notes:

6576, Account No(s). 18023, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT VS. RAMON SANCHEZ, JR.,  0.22 Acre, more or less, situated in the Byrd Lockhart League, Town of Lockhart, Caldwell County, Texas and described in deed dated June 21, 1972, from

Juanita Sanchez to Ramon Sanchez, Jr., recorded in Volume 349, Page 644, Deed Records of Caldwell County, Texas., with an  adjudged value of $14,530.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $14,530.00;

Sale Notes:

7705, Account No(s). 31069, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT VS. MANUEL GARCIA, JR.,  14 Acres, more or less, out of the John Henry Survey, 20% Undivided Interest, Allocation 3, Share 3, Caldwell County, Texas. (31069), with an adjudged value of $3,840.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $3,840.00;

Sale Notes:

09-T-8423, Account No(s). 27018, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT VS. ALBERTO RIOS, ET AL,  14.290000 %  Undivided Interest, 41.31 Acres, John Henry Survey, Allocation 7, Share 3, as described in Volume 400, Page 73, Deed Records of Caldwell County, Texas., with an adjudged value of $7,521.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $7,341.00;

Sale Notes:

10-T-8599, Account No(s). 20111, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT VS. MAXIMINO RAMIREZ,  Lot 7, Block 6,  San Fernando Addition, an addition to the City of Lockhart, Caldwell County, Texas, as described in Volume 201, Page 397, Official Records of Caldwell County, Texas, with an adjudged value of $11,730.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $4,792.00;

Sale Notes:

10-T-8605, Account No(s). 11189, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT VS. SALLY READ LACY, ALSO KNOWN  AS SALLY READ BROWNING, ET AL,  2.119 acres, more or less, situated in the G. W. James Survey, Caldwell County, Texas, as  described in deed dated November 3, 1986, from Gary B. Noonan et al to Sally Read Lacy, in Volume 512, Page 323, Deed Records of

Caldwell County, Texas., with an adjudged value of $21,220.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $7,954.00;

Sale Notes:

10-T-8610, Account No(s). 17499, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT VS. JOSE L. MARTINEZ, ET AL,  0.391 acre,  more or less, situated in the James George Survey, Caldwell County, Texas, as described in deed dated February 28, 1977, from Francisco Martinez et ux to Jose L. Martinez et ux, in Volume 385, Page 160, Deed Records of Caldwell County, Texas., with an  adjudged value of $24,070.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $2,120.00;

Sale Notes:

10-T-8611, Account No(s). 44014, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT VS. ANTONIO JAIMES GUERRERO,  Lot 30, Reata Ranch, Section 1, an addition to Caldwell County, Texas, as described in Volume 385, Page 681, Official Records of Caldwell County, Texas., with an adjudged value of $140,570.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $6,943.00;

Sale Notes:

10-T-8621, Account No(s). 28353, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. SALVADOR HERNANDEZ, ET  AL,  0.36 acre, more or less, situated in the William Pettus Survey, Caldwell County, Texas, as described in deed dated June 11, 1988,  from Gabriel Ramirez et al to Salvador Hernandez et ux, in Volume 45, Page 626, Deed Records of Caldwell County, Texas., with an  adjudged value of $25,670.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $10,715.00;

Sale Notes:

11-T-8709, Account No(s). 0010021-018-520-00, SAN MARCOS CONSOLIDATED INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. ROSITA ALVAREZ MARTINEZ,  1.00 acres, more or less, situated in the William Pettus Two League, Caldwell County, Texas, and being that property more particularly described by metes and bounds in Volume 643, Page 248, Official Public Records of Caldwell County, Texas, together with 1) a 980 square foot manufactured home bearing Label #TEX0132326 with covered porch; and           2) a 616 square foot manufactured home with wooden deck, and any and all other improvements situated thereon., with an adjudged value of $36,240.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $16,475.00;

Sale Notes:

12-T-8729, Account No(s). 0010877-000-079-00, SAN MARCOS CONSOLIDATED INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND CALDWELL COUNTY VS. HENRY BALTIERRA GUTIERREZ, ET AL,  Lots 79 and 80, Skyview Subdivision, a subdivision in  Caldwell County, Texas, and being that property more particularly described in that certain General Warranty Deed of record in Volume 422, Page 505, Official Public Records of Caldwell County, Texas, together with a Skyline Manufactured Home bearing Label

No. TEX0140885, Serial No. 01550409P, situated thereon., with an adjudged value of $42,890.00, and an Estimated minimum opening  bid of $3,681.00;

Sale Notes:

12-T-8775, Account No(s). 10239, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. BESSIE LAVERNE HART- WINN, ALSO KNOWN AS BESSIE HART WINN, ET AL,  16.25 acres, more or less, situated in the Joe Burleson Survey, Caldwell  County, Texas, as described in deed dated May 17, 2001, from Odes Winn to Bessie La Verne Hart Winn, in Volume 275, Page 977, Official Records of Caldwell County, Texas., with an adjudged value of $76,240.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of  $10,777.00;

Sale Notes:

12-T-8779, Account No(s). 18206, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. JAKE MANNEY,  0.25 acres,  more or less, situated in the Byrd Lockhart League, Abstract 17, Caldwell County, Texas, as described in deed dated October 3, 1911 from J. L. Pittman to Jake Manney, recorded in Volume 47, Page 11, Deed Records of Caldwell County, Texas., with an adjudged value of $6,750.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $5,771.00;

Sale Notes:

12-T-8794, Account No(s). 0011831-002-003-00, HAYS CONSOLIDATED INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, ET AL VS.  CHRIS SANDOVAL, ET AL,  Lot 3, Block “B”, Comanche Ridge Subdivision, a subdivision in Caldwell County, Texas, being that  property more particularly described in Volume 419, Page 825, Official Public Records of Caldwell County, Texas., with an adjudged  value of $137,370.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $5,830.00;

Sale Notes:

12-T-8796, Account No(s). 0010877-000-025-00, SAN MARCOS CONSOLIDATED INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, ET  AL VS. RUBEN DELGADO, ET AL,  Lot 25, Skyview Subdivision, a subdivision in Caldwell County, Texas, and being that property  described in Volume 26, Page 647, Deed Records of Caldwell County, Texas, together with any and all improvements constructed  upon, affixed to or located upon the above described real property, including without limitation any residential dwelling located upon  the real property, which dwelling is a Spirit Manufactured Home, Phoenix Silver Model, bearing Label Nos. RAD0893185/6., with an  adjudged value of $61,550.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $2,880.00;

Sale Notes:

12-T-8806, Account No(s). 27120, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. RUTH ELLA DUKE,  1.45 acres,  more or less, situated in the Miles G. Dykes Survey, Abstract 92, Caldwell County, Texas, as described by metes and bounds in deed dated June 20, 1951 from Clarence Mercer, Jr. et ux Dixie Mercer to Ruth Ella Duke, recorded in Volume 241, Page 115, Deed Records

of Caldwell County, Texas., with an adjudged value of $11,190.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $3,497.00;

Sale Notes:

12-T-8809, Account No(s). 11666, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT VS. JUAN MARTINEZ, ET AL,  0.78 acres,  more or less, situated in the Thomas Maxwell League, Abstract 188, Caldwell County, Texas, as described by metes and bounds in deed

dated November 24, 1997 from Carmel Saucedo to Juan Martinez, recorded in Volume 175, Page 375, Official Records of Caldwell County, Texas., with an adjudged value of $14,790.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $4,915.00;

Sale Notes:

12-T-8830, Account No(s). 0010877-000-021-00, SAN MARCOS CONSOLIDATED INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT,      ET AL VS. SHERRY ANN NOLLAN, ET AL,  Lot 21, Skyview Addition, Caldwell County, Texas, and being that property more  particularly described in Volume 95, Page 839, Official Public Records of Caldwell County, Texas, together with a 28 X 56 Redman/Crestpoint Manufactured Home bearing Label Nos. TEX0401253/4, Serial Nos. 12514084A/B, situated thereon., with an  adjudged value of $51,510.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $10,960.00;

Sale Notes:

13-T-8862, Account No(s). 42491, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. SOUTH PASS DEVELOPMENT,  LLC, ET AL,  Lot 4, Reata Ranch, Section 2, a subdivision in Caldwell County, Texas, according to the map or plat of record in  Cabinet A, Slide 198, Plat Records of Caldwell County, Texas., with an adjudged value of $113,720.00, and an Estimated minimum  opening bid of $8,628.00;

Sale Notes:

13-T-8871, Account No(s). 20200057, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. JANIE RHEA ROZZELL,   0.012229 RI, B6380, LSE-BLOCK 56, OPER- SHEFTS & SHEFTS, INC., ABST-27, ACRES 1.99, CALDWELL COUNTY, TEXAS., with an adjudged value of $640.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $192.00;

Sale Notes:

13-T-8871, Account No(s). 20000542, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. JANIE RHEA ROZZELL,   0.015625 OR, W8060, LSE-TILLER, D G -A-, OPER-EAGLE FORD OIL CO., IN, ABST-13, ACRES 66.66, CALDWELL COUNTY, TEXAS., with an adjudged value of $670.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $293.00;

Sale Notes:

13-T-8871, Account No(s). 9102002, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. JANIE RHEA ROZZELL,   0.031250 RI, X1422, LSE-TILLER, J R, OPER- FLAMINGO OIL & GAS, ABST-14, ACRES 68.950, CALDWELL COUNTY, TEXAS., with an adjudged value of $15,150.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $955.00;

Sale Notes:

13-T-8871, Account No(s). 9101996, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. JANIE RHEA ROZZELL,   0.062500 RI, X1421, LSE-TILLER, J R, OPER-DST OIL COMPANY, ABST- 14, ACRES 68.950, CALDWELL COUNTY, TEXAS., with an adjudged value of $17,670.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $1,753.00;

Sale Notes:

13-T-8871, Account No(s). 9101994, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. JANIE RHEA ROZZELL,   0.062500 RI, X1420, LSE-TILLER, J R,OPER-DST OIL COMPANY, ABST-14, ACRES 68.95, CALDWELL COUNTY, TEXAS., with an adjudged value of $56,540.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $5,078.00;

Sale Notes:

13-T-8871, Account No(s). 9100234, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. JANIE RHEA ROZZELL,   0.046875 RI, C8140, LSE-BRISCOE, MARTHA -C-, OPER-FLAMINGO OIL & GAS, ABST-14, ACRES 50, CALDWELL COUNTY, TEXAS., with an adjudged value of $5,590.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $465.00;

Sale Notes:

13-T-8871, Account No(s). 82724, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. JANIE RHEA ROZZELL,   0.014942 RI, N0220, LSE-JOHNSON, MARY B, OPER-EAGLE ENERGY ACQUISITI, ABST-14, CALDWELL COUNTY, TEXAS., with an adjudged value of $103,270.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $3,222.00;

Sale Notes:

13-T-8871, Account No(s). 80975, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. JANIE RHEA ROZZELL,   0.053738 RI, W8045, LSE-TILLER-BRISCOE D, OPER-EAGLE ENERGY ACQUISITI, ABST-14, CALDWELL COUNTY, TEXAS., with an adjudged value of $154,290.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $12,979.00;

Sale Notes:

13-T-8871, Account No(s). 31357, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. JANIE RHEA ROZZELL,   0.031250 RI, C7720 , LSE-BRISCOE, MARTHA -B-,OPER-DST OIL COMPANY, ABST-14, ACRES 87, CALDWELL COUNTY, TEXAS., with an adjudged value of $10,140.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $801.00;

Sale Notes:

(any volume and page references, unless otherwise indicated, being to the Deed Records, Caldwell County, Texas, to which instruments  reference may be made for a more complete description of each respective tract.) or, upon the written request of said defendants or their attorney, a sufficient portion of the property described above shall be sold to satisfy said judgment(s), interest, penalties, and cost; and any property sold shall be subject to the right of redemption of the defendants or any person having an interest therein, to redeem the said property, or their interest therein, within the time and in the manner provided by law, and shall be subject to any other and further rights to which the defendants or anyone interested therein may be entitled, under the provisions of law. Said sale to be made by me to satisfy the judgment(s) rendered in the above styled and numbered cause(s), together with interest, penalties, and costs of suit, and the proceeds of said sales to be applied to the satisfaction thereof, and the remainder, if any, to be applied as the law directs.

Dated at Lockhart, Texas, November 11, 2013

Caldwell County, Texas



Sheriff Daniel Law



The Minimum Bid is the lesser of the amount awarded in the judgment plus interest and costs or the adjudged value. However,       the Minimum Bid for a person owning an interest in the property or for a person who is a party to the suit (other than a taxing unit),     is the aggregate amount of the judgments against the property plus all costs of suit and sale.  ALL SALES SUBJECT                TO CANCELLATION WITHOUT NOTICE.  THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL TAXES DUE ON THE PROPERTY WHICH  HAVE BEEN ASSESSED SINCE THE DATE OF THE JUDGMENT.  For more information, contact your attorney or LINEBARGER GOGGAN BLAIR & SAMPSON, LLP., attorney for plaintiffs, at (512) 398-5550 Extension 203.















Respondent, Greetings:


YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to appear and answer Plaintiff’s Petition before the DISCTRICT  COURT of  CALDWELL COUNTY, at the Caldwell County Judicial Center, 201 E. San Antonio St. thereof , in Lockhart, Texas, by filing a written answer at or before 10:00 o’clock A.M. of the first Monday next after the expiration of 42 days from the date the service of the citation, to PLAINTIFF’S PETITION filed in said Court, on the 23rd Day of October 2013, in this Cause, numbered 13-0-320 on the docket of said Court and styled.















If you fail to file an answer by such date, judgment by default may be rendered for the relief demanded in the petition.


Witness, TINA MORGAN, Clerk of the DISTRICT COURTS of CALDWELL County, Texas. ISSUED AND GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL of said Court at Lockhart, Texas, this the 28th day of OCTOBER, 2013.


TINA MORGAN, District Clerk

District Court, Caldwell County , Texas

P.O Box  749, Lockhart, Texas 78644

By Belinda Gonzales DEPUTY




Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of FRANCES M. DUCE, Deceased, were issued on November 7, 2013, in Cause No. 9874, pending in the County Court at Law of Caldwell County, Texas, to: Jack A. Duce, JR.

All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law.


c/o Jack A. Duce, Jr.

23 Oak Harbor

Houston, Texas 77062

DATED the 7th day of November, 2013



Attorney for Jack A. Duce, Jr.

State Bar NO. 12851500

100 E. San Antonio St.

Suite 201

San Marcos, Texas 78666

Telephone: 512-392-1273

Facsimile: 512-396-8539


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