
Legal Notices – Oct. 4, 2012: Lockhart and Caldwell County (Texas)





Centex Storage Lockhart Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 59 of Texas Property Code, shall conduct a public sale of the contents  of the storage room (s)  listed below in Lockhart, Texas, telephone # 512-398-2870 on the date below to satisfy a landlords lien. All sales will be for cash to t

he highest bidder. All Successful bidders shall take possession and remove the contents of the room immediately. Centex Storage reserves the right to reject any bids and to withdraw any items from such sale.


DATE: October 17, 2012

TIME: 3:00 P.M.

LOCATION: 1414 South Colorado Street

Lockhart, Texas 78644

NAME(S): Tausha Louk Officer; Nicolasa Hinojosa; Dyral L. Thomas; Clee S. Thrash


CONTENTS CONSIST OF: Bow Flex machine, mixing bowls, washer, dryer, chest of drawers, microwave, printer, head and foot board, Reebok size 5, small TV, lamp, ice chest w/wheels, old computer monitor, armoire, stroller(s), filing cabinet, sewing patterns, power wheel chair, wicker chair, old pinball machine, misc. luggage, tools, and tool box and miscellaneous bags and totes.









APPLICATION AND PRELIMINARY DECISION. Aqua Water Supply Corporation, P.O. Box P, Bastrop, Texas 78602, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for a new permit, proposed Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Permit No. WQ0015045001, to authorize the discharge of treated filter backwash effluent from a water treatment plant at a daily average flow not to exceed 49,000 gallons per day. TCEQ received this application on May 30, 2012.

The facility is located approximately 0.6 mile south of the intersection of Farm-to-Market Road 86 and Farm-to-Market Road 713 in Caldwell County, Texas 78616. The treated effluent is discharged to an unnamed ditch; thence to an unnamed tributary; thence to Tenney Creek; thence to Plum Creek in Segment No. 1810 of the Guadalupe River Basin. The unclassified receiving water use is no significant aquatic life use for the unnamed ditch, unnamed tributary and Tenney Creek. The designated uses for Segment No. 1810 are high aquatic life use, aquifer protection and primary contact recreation. The use of aquifer protection applies to the contributing, recharge, and transition zones of the Edwards Aquifer for Segment 1810.

However, this discharge facility is not located in any of the listed zones. In accordance with 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) § 307.5 and the TCEQ implementation procedures (January 2003) for the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards, an antidegradation review of the receiving waters was performed. A Tier 1 antidegradation review has preliminarily determined that existing water quality uses will not be impaired by this permit action. Numerical and narrative criteria to protect existing uses will be maintained. This review has preliminarily determined that no water bodies with exceptional, high, or intermediate aquatic life uses are present within the stream reach assessed; therefore, no Tier 2 degradation determination is required. No significant degradation of water quality is expected in water bodies with exceptional, high, or intermediate aquatic life uses downstream, and existing uses will be maintained and protected. The preliminary determination can be reexamined and may be modified if new information is received.

The TCEQ Executive Director has completed the technical review of the application and prepared a draft permit. The draft permit, if approved, would establish the conditions under which the facility must operate. The Executive Director has made a preliminary decision that this permit, if issued, meets all statutory and regulatory requirements. The permit application, Executive Director”s preliminary decision, and draft permit are available for viewing and copying at the Lockhart Public Library, 217 South Main Street, Lockhart, Texas. This link to an electronic map of the site or facility”s general location is provided as a public courtesy and not part of the application or notice. For exact location, refer to application. 97.531612&zoom=13&type=r

PUBLIC COMMENT / PUBLIC MEETING. You may submit public comments or request a public meeting about this application. The purpose of a public meeting is to provide the opportunity to submit comments or to ask questions about the application. TCEQ holds a public meeting if the Executive Director determines that there is a significant degree of public interest in the application or if requested by a local legislator. A public meeting is not a contested case hearing.

OPPORTUNITY FOR A CONTESTED CASE HEARING. After the deadline for submitting public comments, the Executive Director will consider all timely comments and prepare a response to all relevant and material or significant public comments. Unless the application is directly referred for a contested case hearing, the response to comments will be mailed to everyone who submitted public comments and to those persons who are on the mailing list for this application. If comments are received, the mailing will also provide instructions for requesting a contested case hearing or reconsideration of the Executive Director”s decision. A contested case hearing is a legal proceeding similar to a civil trial in a state district court.

TO REQUEST A CONTESTED CASE HEARING, YOU MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS IN YOUR REQUEST: your name; address, phone number; applicant”s name and permit number; the location and distance of your property/activities relative to the facility; a specific description of how you would be adversely affected by the facility in a way not common to the general public; and the statement “[I/we] request a contested case hearing.” If the request for contested case hearing is filed on behalf of a group or association, the request must designate the group”s representative for receiving future correspondence; identify an individual member of the group who would be adversely affected by the proposed facility or activity; provide the information discussed above regarding the affected member”s location and distance from the facility or activity; explain how and why the member would be affected; and explain how the interests the group seeks to protect are germane to the group”s purpose.

Following the close of all applicable comment and request periods, the Executive Director will forward the application and any requests for reconsideration or for a contested case hearing to the TCEQ Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled Commission meeting.

The Commission will only grant a contested case hearing on disputed issues of fact that are relevant and material to the Commission”s decision on the application. Further, the Commission will only grant a hearing on issues that were raised in timely filed comments that were not subsequently withdrawn.

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ACTION. The Executive Director may issue final approval of the application unless a timely contested case hearing request or request for reconsideration is filed. If a timely hearing request or request for reconsideration is filed, the Executive Director will not issue final approval of the permit and will forward the application and request to the TCEQ Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled Commission meeting.

MAILING LIST. If you submit public comments, a request for a contested case hearing or a reconsideration of the Executive Director”s decision, you will be added to the mailing list for this specific application to receive future public notices mailed by the Office of the Chief Clerk. In addition, you may request to be placed on: (1) the permanent mailing list for a specific applicant name and permit number; and/or (2) the mailing list for a specific county. If you wish to be placed on the permanent and/or the county mailing list, clearly specify which list(s) and send your request to TCEQ Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below.

All written public comments and public meeting requests must be submitted to the Office of the Chief Clerk, MC 105, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, TX 78711-3087 or electronically at within 30 days from the date of newspaper publication of this notice.

AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION. If you need more information about this permit application or the permitting process, please call the TCEQ Public Education Program, Toll Free, at 1-800-687-4040. Si desea informacio_n en Espan_ol, puede llamar al 1-800-687- 4040. General information about the TCEQ can be found at our web site at

Further information may also be obtained from Aqua Water Supply Corporation at the address stated above or by calling Mr. William Loven, General Manager, Aqua Water Supply Corporation at 512-303-3943.

Issuance Date: September 13, 2012


Plum Creek

Conservation District




The Plum Creek Conservation District will hold a public hearing on the proposed Drought Management Plan.

The hearing on the proposed Drought Management Plan will be held at:

1:00 P.M.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

1101 West San Antonio St., Lockhart, Texas 78644


The proposed Drought Management Plan authorizes the District to carry out the components of the plan

summarized below.

1. Statement of DFCs and a year-by-year breakdown of what the expected DFCs will be.

2. Monitoring Program: measure and report water levels, pumping, precipitation, and exempt use.

3. Establish the various stages of the Drought Management Plan.

4. Establish the triggers for each of the stages.

5. Establish the restrictions for each of the stages.

6. Yearly review & assessment.

7. Exemptions

Copies of the Proposed Drought Management Plan are available at the Plum Creek Conservation District

office and are posted on the District”s web site: Written or oral comments may be submitted during the hearing or sent in advance to 1101 West San Antonio St., Lockhart, Texas 78644.

For more information, please contact:

Johnie Halliburton,

Executive Manager

Plum Creek Conservation District

(512) 398-2383



Daniel Meyer,

Assistant Manager

Plum Creek Conservation District

(512) 398-2383



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