Letters – Councilmember blasts editor over ACC article


To the Editor:
How does one suggest without saying so?

LPR Staff, editor of the Lockhart Post-Register totally misrepresented the position of Austin Community College when she wrote recently that the President of ACC “suggested without saying so” that they were not much interested in coming here.

The opposite is true.

The president of ACC,

the Board Chairman, and an Executive Vice President personally drove down from Austin and came before the city council to explain why there is a great need for ACC in Caldwell County and how $5 would be returned to the community for every $1 invested. They gave every indication that they would be delighted to come to ACC when an election permits them to do so. I was there.

Why the Post-Register fears higher education, or any progress at all, and prefers instead to do nothing and “embrace what we are” is a mystery to me.

You would think a newspaper would be in favor of education and progress.
Richard Banks
Lockhart City Councilmember
District Four


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