
Letters – Football, Hometown Spirit and Electric Rates


Reader, winner thanks sponsors
To the Editor:
Every year at the beginning of football season, there are over one hundred Lockhart fans becoming excited about entering the first football contest in the Post-Register. I only hope that the sponsors of this contest realize the excitement that the competition brings to us all.
The contest in the

Post-Register has been occurring since the Fall of 1979. That’s a long time to be giving away prizes to the community! We would like to thank the sponsors for their years of support.
Those of you who are lucky enough to win, be sure to thank your sponsor when you redeem your winnings, so that they will continue to support the contest.
Patricia T. Hanks and family

Lockhart native keeps tabs on hometown
To the Editor:
I am a former Lockhart girl born in Austin raised in Lockhart where I lived for 48 years before I re-married and moved to Round Rock.
Even though I now reside in Round Rock I read your weekly column and wanted to let you know that I enjoy it very much.
A particularly resounding column that you wrote in the Oct. 6, 2016 issue really struck me as so very sad but true!  I think that a lot of people need to read it and I hope your friend in particular reads it as well.  Although it may not strike a chord as it did with me, but hopefully a lot of people read it and see themselves as I did.
Kudos to you on your work, and the great articles you write!  Thank you!
Rose Morris
Round Rock

Customer laments electric rates
To the Editor:
The electric rates adopted recently by the Pedernales Electric Cooperative, Inc. (PEC) Board of Directors continue to gouge consumers receiving single-phase electric service – over 99 percent of consumers in the Residential and Farm/Ranch and Water Well rate classes and over 82 percent of consumers in the Small Power rate class, as well as consumers receiving electric service directly from overhead distribution lines. Here’s why.
The PEC provides two types of electric service – single-phase (one energized distribution wire) and three-phase (three energized distribution wires), and two types of service delivery – overhead and underground. This creates four service classes and their required investment costs per mile of distribution lines reported in the 2016 cost of service study are: 1.) single-phase, overhead at $23,394; 2.) single-phase, underground at $72,085; 3.) three-phase, overhead at $107,553; and, 4.) three-phase, underground at $346,629.
The PEC 2016 cost of service study failed deliberately to consider these substantial cost differences and spreads the higher costs of three-phase and underground services among all consumers. A cost of service study which deliberately fails to consider such substantial cost differences is fraudulent and corrupt, and is incapable of producing electric rates that are fair and equitable.
The PEC Board of Directors and Management have been informed of this egregious failure in the 2016 cost of service study, but have shown no desire to address its failure to produce fair and equitable electric rates.
When the PEC Board of Directors is questioned about this egregious failure, one is met with a stony silence. One wonders why the PEC Board of Directors and Management take no action to right this obvious wrong.
Merle L. Moden


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