Letters – More criticism for Judge Schawe


Resident blasts Judge’s choice

To the Editor:

I am so disheartened and disgusted to learn that County Judge Kenneth Shawe is “looking into” judicial duties costing taxpayers an additional $25,000 a year! $25,000 in addition to his current salary!

Seriously! Let that sink in!

Has he been getting advice from our previous County

Judge? What has happened to real public servants, who run for office to serve their community…not line their pockets on the backs of taxpayers.

This is reprehensible and shows what little regard politicians have for everyday working people and the fiduciary responsibility that comes with being an elected official.

And, to add insult to injury, he responded to Commissioner Munoz’s reminder that he (Kenneth Shawe) had promised not to do this by saying “he broke his marriage vows twice… people change their minds!”

The hubris of this man is beyond disgraceful! And the District Judges should be ashamed too. But that is a whole other letter.

A great deal of people voted for Ken Shawe because he promised not to take on judicial duties – and he lied to voters. Lying to the people seems to be way of life now. And we wonder why our country is so screwed up…God help us!

We’ve got to do better… seriously folks!

Tracy Forester



Reader praises Good Samaritans

To the Editor:

Hello. My name is Billie Forester and I live at 11616 State Park Rd.

On my way home from Lockhart today, I stopped in my driveway to pick up some cans and bottles and paper someone had thrown in the ditch.

I’m 81.9 years old and I know better. But I’m hard headed.

I fell, face first, into the ditch, dropped my cane and could not get up.

A beautiful young woman driving an Escalade stopped to help me, but I still could not get up.

Then, a handsome and strong young man stopped, and together, they got me back on my feet. Enough of my sad story –

I think they were angels sent to help me. I didn’t get their names, but I want to write this letter to say “thank you!”

I will thank God for them every night in prayers for the rest of my life.

Billie Forester



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