Letters – Property owner praises judge, questions board


To the Editor:

The service M. Louis Cisneros has provided our community, in our county, and in our state’s educational circles cannot be disputed, and each of us – county inhabitants and tax payers – certainly appreciate his dedication and service over the years.

Currently Mr. Cisneros serves as Justice of the Peace in Precinct 1 in Caldwell County. If you

will Google “Caldwell County Texas Democrats” you will see that he is listed with other County-elected officials who are members of the Democrat Party.

It is upsetting to many local people that the Board of the Lockhart Independent School District has recommended changing the name of our local high school, and they believe that it would be setting a bad precedent for our total school system for that to take place. Definitely the powers of the Board of the Lockhart School District should not include the power to independently change the name of our local Lockhart High School to that of a currently elected County official.

Let’s not set that precedent here.

Elsewhere the privilege of placing someone’s name on a school building usually occurs after the decease of the person and becomes a recognized honor.
Let’s honor Mr. Cisneros in other ways and avoid any such improper recognition.

Katy McMillen
Tampa, Florida


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