Letters – Readers react to ‘good times’


Veteran reaches out in thanks

To the Editor:

Sometimes words are few to describe an event that is incredible. And so it is with the Vietnam era Veterans homecoming we experienced on Saturday, April 18 at the football stadium in Lockhart.

All the volunteers worked hard to put the show together. Even with the weather questionable at 8 a

.m. that morning, no one quit. We saw a community that came together to do a good thing.

Deep in the heart of Texas in Caldwell County, men, women, boys and girls showed what love and appreciation of others really means. The school administration, staff, teachers and students at LISD deserve thanks.

Also thanks to the business community through the Chambers, the steering committee, all the friends and families from around Central Texas, and the youth of 4H, Boy and Girl scouts and Pegasus boys.

Most of all to the Veterans who have served this country I say thanks to you and your families for showing courage in time of a call from this country. This event will not be forgotten and may God bless us all.

Rick Johnson



Resident misses quiet weekends

To the Editor:

Yet another beautiful weekend ruined in the Lytton Springs area courtesy of the new business in Lytton Springs.

Forget sitting outside and enjoying peaceful country life, or going to sleep with your windows open, the music coming from this establishment is so loud even with your windows closed and the air conditioning going you can hear it inside your home.

While no one begrudges someone from trying to make a living, intruding on the lives of those who live within a mile of this area so one person can make a dollar is wrong both morally and ethically. If they want to provide musical entertainment for their customer that’s great, just keep the volume down so that only your customers have to hear it.

Try selling your home or property in Lytton Springs. Realtors will no longer be able to use the incentive of “quiet, country living” when advertising, instead they will have to be truthful to potential buyers that every single weekend it will be like you bought a condo on the seedier side of Fifth Street in downtown Austin, with loud music and intoxicated drivers in your neighborhood to go along with your new purchase.

Every band that plays at this establishment should be ashamed for you are destroying the quality of life in this neighborhood. I urge the citizens affected by the greed of this owner to call your County Commissioners, the Sheriff, and the Texas Alcohol Beverage Commission and file a complaint.

Lockhart ISD is building an elementary school less than a quarter of a mile from this place. Don’t wait until a child is struck by a car and killed to voice your concerns.

Mary Criswell

Lytton Springs

Editor’s Note: In keeping with our publishing policies, the name of the establishment referenced in this letter has been removed.


1 comment

  1. Rodney Wheeler 7 May, 2015 at 18:15 Reply

    Thank you Ms Criswell! We also live in Lytton Springs and we are over 1.5 miles away as-the-crow-flies from this “watering hole” and the music pounds through the windows and walls until the wee hours of morning. Perhaps if the neighbors all began contacting the Sheriff’s Office or commissioners a solution could be found.

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