Letters – Recycling service on target – and on time


To the Editor:
This service especially the timing of it is: about time! The City of Lockhart needs its residents to have the opportunity to do their part in what is happening at city, state and nationwide levels and get with the program of recycling. Because the bottom line isn’t nor should it be about money. It is about doing the right thing regardless of the cost.

Personally, my family and I have been recycling for quite some time and the convenience of having our recycled material picked up at the same time or on a different scheduled day as the normal pick up schedule would be much appreciated. Like many who can’t afford the added expense the convenience and the knowledge that our family is contributing in not filling the landfills with unnecessary or not degradable material is a matter of pride.

I agree with Councilmember Richard Banks in supporting that residents that wish to participate can show their support by purchasing the necessary receptacles. I would like to propose that Central Texas Refuse purchase only those receptacles where the residents have signed up for the service in advance and paid for the recycle bins. This would also serve another purposes in allowing a schedule pick up to be mapped out of those who do versus those who don’t participate with the program. Also this may be another way to determine if changes in trash and recycle pick up schedules were needed.

The more recycle bins seen in and around the different neighborhoods could spur other residence of our beautiful city to participate at a gradual level therefore making cost no longer an issue but pride and curbside appeal this issue.
Tammy Bell


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