Letters – What kind of development is best for Lytton?


Reader responds to Green Group allegations

To the Editor:

After reading Jessica Neyman’s letter to the editor regarding Green Group Holdings and the proposed  130 Environmental Park landfill in last week’s paper, I felt compelled to respond and set the record straight.

Ms. Neyman’s characterization of Green Group is completely

off base, and could not be further from the truth.  I have met with senior members of Green Group on numerous occasions, and have taken the time to familiarize myself with their business practices, and I can say with the utmost confidence that they are a company of integrity and trust.

In her letter, Ms. Neyman alleges misconduct on behalf of Green Group in “a similar community two hours from here” (Waller County) where another Green Group landfill is proposed.  But the situation she describes is not a true representation of what is happening there.  It is simply the talking points of an opposition group that is playing loose with the facts.  In reality, Green Group and its consultants have simply followed best business practices within the industry.

I have researched other Green Group facilities and have spoken with their officials and community leaders.  Based on those discussions, I believe they will do what they say they are going to do.

Yes, they are a business, but they value and respect the communities in which they operate, and go above and beyond what is required of them.

The proposed Host Agreement is a perfect example of this.  Green Group is not required to offer a Host Agreement, but they do so in good faith, to protect the community and to ensure the community reaps financial benefits from the project.  Negotiating the Host Agreement with Green Group does not “forever waive critical legal protections,” as Ms. Neyman wrongly asserts.  On the contrary, not negotiating the Host Agreement leaves the community without any protection.

Caldwell County and its citizens have the opportunity to work with Green Group to develop a win/win scenario.  Let’s not let it slip away.  If we do, we will surely regret it.


Marcos Villalobos



Lytton resident questions subdivisions, quality of life

To the Editor:

Lytton Springs has always been known as a clean and quiet community. People moved here to get away from the noise of living in a busy and loud town. Most of the residents of Lytton Springs go back four and five generations.

We know nothing stays the same, however changes should be for the good of the community.

Lytton Springs right now has five unsightly subdivisions. With that comes music so loud that it can wake you nightly from your sleep. Vehicles are coming through Lytton Springs all hours of the night and early morning with their music blasting.

On the weekends, you hear firearms being discharged. At times, you hear what sounds like a semi-automatic gun going off. Residents have reported bullet holes in the roofs of their barns from the gunfire.

Last year in one of the subdivisions, we had young girls from Mexico that were being held in a trailer for prostitution. This is what is happening to our community.

With all the extra people that are moving into Lytton comes the added trash that is being thrown out onto the county and Farm to Market roads. People drive around with bags of trash in the backs of their trucks. Either it blows out, or they stop and throw it out. At any time, you can see two or three bags beside the road.

This is only a few of the things that the residents of Lytton have to deal with.

We elected officials that think that they are doing Lytton Springs a favor by expanding the community, but all that’s happening is, it’s messing up our community.

We don’t want these subdivisions. Do we have enough water to supply them?

It wouldn’t be bad if they were restricted subdivisions, but they are not. The Realtor doesn’t care who he sells to, as long as they get their money. And they don’t live in Lytton Springs, so why should they care?

Why not have a home builder come and build homes? But no, we have these subdivisions with no restrictions. And everyone thinks they need a gun, and they have no respect for the people living around them.

So, I say to all the officials that approved the two new subdivisions should go drive through the five that are already in Lytton Springs, and tell me which one you are willing to live in with your family.

Myrtle Cardwell

Lytton Springs


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