LISD board splits AD post


In a special meeting on Tuesday afternoon, the Lockhart Independent School District Board of Trustees selected two high school coaches to fill the positions of Boys” and Girls” Athletic Directors.
The athletic director position was left open when Dan Hurley tendered his resignation earlier this summer. During their June meeting, the board opted to appoint one director

for boys” sports and another for girls” sports, both of whom will have additional coaching responsibilities, rather than hiring one, full-time employee.
The board appointed Bryce Monsen, last year”s head football coach, to act as athletic director for boys” sports, and David Johnston, the girls” basketball head coach to oversee the girls” programs.
According to Judy Cathey, Secretary to the Superintendent, both coaches will remain in those coaching positions, but will have the added supervisory responsibilities that come with the position of athletic director.
As a matter of closing business with regard to Hurley”s resignation, the board opted to grant him 15 days of overtime compensation time for the 2003-2004 school year. Superintendent John Hall requested the board”s approval, as Hurley”s original request for more than 50 days of comp time was above what Hall felt comfortable granting without the backing of the board.
In other business, the board approved bids from Buck”s Sporting Goods out of Amarillo to provide athletic equipment for fall sports, and Georgetown Sporting Goods, of Georgetown, to provide equipment for spring sports.
These purchases will include all sports supplies for high school and junior high sports.
Finally, at Hall”s request, the board chose to elevate the coordinator position at the Delta Center from a Teacher/Coordinator position to an administrative (assistant principal) position. Hall requested this position in an effort to enhance the performance of the Delta Center.


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