
LISD Superintendent search stalls


By LPR Staff



Despite four hours in executive session on Monday evening, the Lockhart ISD Board of Trustees is no closer to finding a new superintendent.

After staring down a broad range of issues behind closed doors, including a Level 3 Grievance and a report on a recent Human Resources Investigation, the Trustees opted

to table action on engaging in a search for a superintendent until their June 1, 2015 meeting.

During recent weeks, the Board has discussed the “warranty” available from the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB), who the trustees contracted for their last superintendent search. According to information previously presented, TASB offers a two-year guarantee on placements, and will engage in another search for the District, in light of the short span of their last offering.

However, the Trustees opted not to discuss the matter further on Monday, citing the late hour after their marathon closed-door meeting. Additionally, Trustee Tom Guyton noted, the Trustees would rather have TASB on hand to answer questions and concerns about the search process, before moving forward.

With no clear answer on how the delay will impact the search timeline, the Trustees voted to table the measure until their June 1, 2015, meeting.

In other business, the Board recognized dozens of elementary students who earned the status of “Million Word Readers” during the course of this school year. Teams from each of Lockhart’s four graded elementary campuses had students participate in the program, some amassing more than 8 million words read over the course of the school year.

They also recognized LHS sprinter Shanice Manning, who earned eighth place in the 200-meter dash during last week’s State Track and Field Meet. The meet was Manning’s second appearance at State, and the junior looks to continue her success next year.

The Trustees heard several internal reports, and tentative numbers for the budget proposal that will come forward next month for approval.

The Lockhart ISD Board of Trustees routinely meets on the fourth Monday of each month. Currently, meetings are being held in the Third Floor Council Chambers of the Dr. Eugene Clark Library Complex, while renovations occur at Lockhart High School. The meetings are open to the public, and are televised on Time Warner Digital Cable Channel 10, as well as being webcast at


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