Masonic Lodge #690 host successful blood drive


Mason Lodge #690

Masonic Lodge #690 and We Are Blood enjoyed a successful joint blood drive on Saturday, Jan. 27, in downtown Lockhart. The event, aimed at increasing blood donations in the community, saw an overwhelming response from local residents and surpassed all expectations.

The blood drive, which took place at the southeast corner of the Caldwell County Courthouse, was a collaborative effort between the Masonic Lodge and We Are Blood, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing a safe and reliable blood supply to Central Texas hospitals. The partnership aimed to raise awareness about the importance of blood donation and encourage community members to participate in this life-saving act.

“We are thrilled with the tremendous support we received from the Lockhart community during the blood drive,” said Stanley Kozik , Worshipful Master of Lockhart Masonic Lodge #690. “The turnout was incredible, and we are grateful to everyone who took the time to donate blood and help save lives.”

The event attracted a diverse group of donors, including local residents, members of the Masonic Lodge, and individuals from neighboring communities. The We Are Blood team provided a warm and welcoming environment for donors, ensuring a comfortable and efficient donation process.

“We are honored to partner with Lockhart Masonic Lodge #690 for this blood drive,” said Craig Wellborn, Account Manager of We Are Blood. “The Lockhart community has shown tremendous generosity, and their support will have a significant impact on the lives of patients in need of blood transfusions.”

The blood drive resulted in a significant number of blood donations, which will directly benefit patients in Central Texas hospitals. Each blood donation has the potential to save up to three lives, making the collective effort of the Lockhart community life-changing.

Lockhart Masonic Lodge #690 and We Are Blood, extend their heartfelt gratitude to all the donors, volunteers, and staff members who made the blood drive a resounding success. Their dedication and commitment to the cause of blood donation will undoubtedly make a difference in the lives of those in need.

For more information about future blood drives and how to get involved, visit the Lockhart Masonic Lodge #690 Facebook page at, or the We Are Blood website at


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