
Military exercises planned in Lockhart



Per the Caldwell County of Emergency Management Facebook page: “Due to unforeseen circumstances, this training exercise has been postponed. We will announce the new date once confirmed.”

By Kristen Meriwether
Editor LPR

If you see people running around in biohazard suits at the American Legion Post # 41 in Lockhart on December 16th, there’s no need to panic—it’s just a drill.

Caldwell County first responders will be working with Texas National Guard’s 6th Civil support team conducing a joint hazmat and law enforcement exercise. The drill will help local, state, and federal agencies in responding to potential incidents involving hazardous materials.

The exercise was in the works since earlier this year, according to a release from Caldwell County on December 8th, and is not COVID related.
The exercises are planned to occur outside of heavily populated areas, but may be noticed in city-limits due to the close proximity of Highway 183.

“Residents are advised there will be responder vehicle movement and operational response actions that may pose a danger to unsuspecting observers, and therefor ask to refrain from entering areas marked ‘Exercise in Progress’ or ‘TRAINING’ in the interest of uninterrupted training activity and for their own personal safety,” the release said.

Concerned residents are advised to contact the Caldwell County Emergency Manager Hector Rangel at 512-995-6040. He may be emailed at


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