
More residential units planned for Lockhart


By Kyle Mooty

LPR Editor

Public hearings were held for a pair of zoning changes within Lockhart’s City Limits at last week’s City Council meeting, both likely to draw more traffic on already busy roads, yet both bringing needed residential units to town.

The first zoning change was for 1.746 acres at 202 and 204 State Park Road (Greenwood Boutique Townhomes LLC), switching from Residential Medium Density to Residential High Density. Traffic and draining problems were the original concern, with six building estimated – each with two units on the lower level and two units on the upper level. They will either be condominiums or apartments.

“I can understand the concern they have,” Councilmember Brad Westmoreland said. “We have to get something fixed at some point.”

The second zoning change on 8.798 acres at 1711 and 1715 W. San Antonio Street was from Lendi Capital Group LLC. That group was asking for the land to switch from Agricultural Open-Space District and RLD Residential Low Density District to RHD Residential High Density District. Lendi Capital is planning to build seven or eight buildings there with one- and two-bedroom units. The buildings could be as tall as three stories and there would be a maximum estimate of 200 units. The land was owned by Sharon Truett.

Councilmember Jeffry Michelson said that area – West San Antonio Street is also SH 142 – is more of a traffic concern than State Park Road.

Both zoning changes were unanimously approved by the council, 7-0.

In other business:

City Attorney Monte Akers, while discussing a possible ordinance for people to carry containers of alcohol and consume alcohol on Commercial Central Business District streets and sidewalks, noted that the Texas Alcohol and Beverage Commission (TABC) “really doesn’t have a dog in this fight other than making sure businesses are licensed to sell alcohol.”

Akers said there were currently 12 special events permitted to allow the consumption of alcohol downtown.

The City Council has yet to approve the amended ordinance and will consider it at a later meeting.

Six Lockhart streets will be resurfaced as part of the 2022 Street Improvement Projects thanks to a $475,196 council-approved bid from Fuquay Inc. of New Braunfels.

Public Works Director Sean Kelly noted those streets include:

* N. Medina Street from Bois D’Arc St. to Peach Street

* W. Live Oak St. from Cibilo Street to Guadalupe Street

* Center Street from Guadalupe Street to Blanco Street

* Red River Street from Willow Street to Ash Street

* Willow Street from Pecos Street to Blanco Street

* Persimmon Street from Neches Street to Sabine Street

The new Municipal Court Judge for Lockhart will be Robert A. Haedge after being appointed and unanimously approved by the council. Haedge will take over for Attorney Darlon Sojak, who is moving out of the area.

Haedge will begin his new role on Oct. 1. His duties will include presiding over cases ranging from traffic violations, Class C misdemeanors filed by the Lockhart Police Department, code enforcement violations, animal control violations, and Class C violations from Lockhart ISD, including truant conduct and parents contributing to non-attendance.

Haedge, who lives in Dale, has been practicing law for 11 years. He received his law degree from the South Texas College of Law in Houston.

“I’m very pleased Mr. Robert Haedge agreed to be our next Municipal Judge,” Lockhart Mayor Lew White said. “We feel that Mr. Haedge, as Judge, will be fair, reasonable, and compassionate in his dealings with the citizens of Lockhart.”

Haedge attended high school in Dripping Springs and earned his undergraduate degree at the University of Texas in Austin.

“I am grateful for this opportunity to serve my community by helping to ensure the public has access to justice and receives it in an efficient and timely manner,” Haedge said.

Lockhart Fire Chief Randy Jenkins asked for and received approval from the City Council a 75-foot rear-mount apparatus to fight fires from a much higher level. Jenkins said the ladder truck would be the first aerial apparatus of its kind in Lockhart.

The building and delivery time of apparatus will be about 500 days, or a little more than 16 months.

White read a proclamation recognizing Sept. 26-30 as GearUP Week.

White also recognized the Lockhart ISD School Board – consisting of President Michael Wright, Vice President Warren Burnett, Dr. Barbara Sanchez, Sam Lockhart, Rene Rayos, Rebecca Pulliam, and Tom Guyton — after it was named the Region 13 Board of the Year by the Texas Association of School Administrators.

“Thanks for your service, your vision, your wisdom, your commitment to the students and the teachers in our school district,” White said. “I think that’s what sets us apart. I’m glad that we have you on our school board.”

LISD Superintendent gave a speech complete with slides on the upcoming bond and Voter Approved Tax Rate Election (VATRE).

“This is all going to the benefit of our kids and teachers and their retention,” White said. “It is vital to the growth of our town because a good school district is one of the most important recruitment tools for the growth of our community.”

Page Johnson of the Seton Hays Foundation and Children’s Care-a-Van program thanked the city for its past support and asked for a contribution of $2,500 – just up from its usual $2,000 sponsorship at the annual gala.

Johnson noted that in 2019 Caldwell County was the unhealthiest county in Central Texas with 18.9 percent at or below the poverty rate and 23 percent of the population not insured.

The Children’s Care-a-Van treats people between the ages of 0-18 and meets in four locations weekly in Caldwell County – Lockhart, Dale, Prairie Lea, and Luling.

The City Council will consider Johnson’s request. Johnson said anyone wanting more information can email her at, or call 512-481-8557.

The Citywide Bulk Cleanup will be Saturday, Oct. 15 beginning at 7 a.m. The free event is only for Lockhart residents and does not include apartment complexes or businesses.

National Night Out for Lockhart Police and Lockhart Fire departments will be Tuesday, Oct. 4. The program promotes partnerships between residents. and law enforcements

There will not be an Oct. 4 City Council meeting due to the National Night Out and a Texas Municipal League meeting. Then next meeting of the Lockhart City Council will be Oct. 18, beginning at 6:30 p.m. The cleanup will accept non-freon appliances, carpets cut into 4-foot by 4-foot pieces, furniture, scrap metal, wooden fencing, and mattresses.


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