
Murder suspect connected to Federal drug snare


By LPR Staff


One of the four men arrested in connection with the Aug. 31, 2010, murder of Lockhart resident Walter Capello is now also facing federal drug charges in connection with a multi-jurisdictional warrant executed on July 14.

According to information released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation last week, Eloy Davila, Jr., 53, was amon

g 16 Central Texas men and women indicted on July 5 by a federal grand jury. The indictment alleges that since April 2009, the defendants have conspired to distribute more than five kilograms of cocaine and more than one kilogram of heroin.

All those indicted, including Davila, are thought to be members or associates of the Texas Mexican Mafia.

Davila and one other defendant were already held in custody. The others were arrested after the execution of search warrants in various locations in Austin, Seguin and Pflugerville yielded the seizure of guns, cash and suspected drugs including heroin, crack, marijuana and methamphetamine.

At the time of Capello’s death last year, rumors of gang involvement began to spike throughout the community. The Hays County Sheriff’s department confirmed at that time they had reason to believe the four suspects were involved with a local gang with ties to the Mexican Mafia.

Capello was found dead in the back of a pickup truck stopped in New Braunfels in early September 2010. Shortly after the discovery, Davila, along with San Marcos residents Johnny Gilbert Soliz, then 45, and Nemisio Garcia, Jr., then 31, were arrested and charged in connection with the killing. Later, San Marcos resident Paul Tovar, then 41, was arrested in the Houston area.

The suspects were indicted by a Hays County grand jury in October. Court records reflect a tentative trial date of Aug. 22 for Soliz, and no trial settings for the other three defendants.



  1. rosa 24 July, 2011 at 03:10 Reply

    I think they should all get the death sentence, as a mother of 3 boys, I would hate to see one of my boys dead, nothing is going to bring capello back to life, let them suffer the way he did.

    • A daughter 30 September, 2012 at 21:34 Reply

      Your ignorance is astounding …you would like them to get the death penalty and your logic is because you’re a mother of boys and “they” killed a man ( I use parenthesis because in our country you are innocent until proven guilty and none of them have been proven guilty) well they also all have mothers , killing them is no better ….people are entitled to their opinions and I understand that but before anyone opens their mouths take into account that these men are people …nobody knows the circumstances around what happened …but what I do know is that one of these men is my father …granted he isn’t saint by no means but he is a good person with a big heart who loves his children and grandchildren , who helped his friends and family anytime they needed help…who made some questionable choices in life to say the least but is not a monster and shouldn’t be talked about like one!!

  2. Soliz 5 August, 2011 at 20:35 Reply

    If Walter knew getting in the gang life will bring death toward him then he should’ve not joined!! He died cause of him not cause anybody else. Now one of those men is my uncle, and he’s a really nice man and has a big family. All I can say is justice will be done but not the death way!!!

    • cookie 24 June, 2012 at 00:44 Reply

      I believe the only two people who should be charged with murder are those they found with the body the other two weren’t even around and you call that justice get a life

      • A daughter 30 September, 2012 at 21:41 Reply

        “the other two weren’t even around” ??!?….. Let me guess, you’re one of the 400 people that insist they know everything that happened in this case because they knew a guy who knows a guy who heard about this guy blah blah blah!!! NONE of the remaining 3 men in this case has gone to trial, no detail about the case have been leaked …therefore you have no Idea who was present when the crime was committed and u have no idea why the people driving the truck had Capello …so unless you are a psychic , one of their lawyers, or had an out of body experience and was floating above Walter that day then really you have no idea what you are talking about!

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