Original Black’s BBQ Teacher of the Week


Name and grade you teach and at which school: Kristina Sanchez, 3rd grade at Bluebonnett Elementary.

What subjects do you teach: “All subjects — reading writing, math, science, and social studies. This is my 34th year in education. I am and will always be a career educator.”

Hometown: Kyle.

Where did you graduate? Bachelor of Arts from University of Calfornia-Riverside; Masters in Education from Concordia University.

Favorite thing(s) about teaching at Lockhart ISD: “I love the small town feel. My dad, aunts and uncles were all born and raised in Lockhart, so I feel like I’m home. The students and family I’ve gotten to know in Lockhart are amazing people.”

How would your friends describe you? “I am a dedicated, passionate educator. I love growing teachers and supporting our campus culture.”

Values most important to you: “Honesty and integrity.”

Talents: “I play the piano and help with our campus choir. Math strategies and Response to Intervention. I love to crochet and write poetry when I’m not focused on educating my students.”

Favorite books: The Hunger Games series, the Celestine Propehcy, Culturize.

Hobbies: “Crocheting baby blankets, sitting by the pool with a good book, mindless TV watching, baking, spending time with family.”

Family: Son, Liam (26); daughter, Nicole (24). Dog, Oreo; Cat, Pepper.


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