
Phyllis E. Kukla


Phyllis E. Kukla, of Lockhart, Texas, born Nov. 28, 1936, went suddenly into the waiting arms of her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, on Saturday, March 26, 2011.

She was the daughter of Robert and Vaunda Hortin, of Albion, Ill.

Two daughters were born to her and Robert W. Kukla: Lisa Krushinski and Janet Price. Lisa and Carl live in Cream Ridge, N.J., and have three childr

en, Hannah, Wesley and Thomas. Janet and Chris live in Lockhart and have three children: Jay, a Staff Sergeant in the US Air Force, and his wife, Ame, live in Cheyenne, Wyo.; Jill is an elementary school teacher in Copperas Cove; and Jennifer will be a junior at Texas A&M in the fall.

Phyllis’s brother, Bruce Hortin, and his wife, Caroll live in Albion.

Phyllis was a member of First Lockhart Baptist and Martindale Baptist churches over the last 12 years. An avid student of the Bible, she ministered to hundreds of people through her generosity and notes and letters of encouragement.

Her cats brought her great joy and comfort. She battled Type 1 diabetes for more than 50 years and would suggest donations to the American Diabetes Association in lieu of flowers.

A memorial service will be held at 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 31 at First Lockhart Baptist Church.


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