
Police arrest suspects in five robberies


By LPR Staff

The Lockhart Police Department announced on Wednesday morning that two suspects have been arrested in a string of late-May burglaries.
According to Police Chief Mike Lummus, the two suspects were orginally arrested for abuse of a credit card, and later confessed to the burglaries.
Lummus declined to identify the s

uspects pending further investigation.
Over the last three weeks, at least five homes in and around Lockhart were burglarized. The culprits stole items such as laptop computers, guns, power tools, televisions and jewelry. In at least one instance, the suspects also stole credit cards – possibly the credit cards that led to the arrest.
Lockhart Police and the Chisholm Trail Special Crimes Task Force were investigating four of the five burglaries when the suspects were arrested. In the fifth case, the suspects were in custody and the victim’s property had been recovered before the victim returned home from work and discovered the crime had occurred.
The suspects, according to Lummus, both have extensive criminal histories. One, he said, has criminal cases pending in various courts and jurisdictions.
They were arrested on May 31 and are being held in the Caldwell County jail pending $60,000 bond.


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