Public Notices for May 31, 2018

2017 – 2018 FY Texas Capital Fund Grant
Request for
Qualifications (RFQ) for
Engineering Services

The City of Lockhart is seeking to enter into an engineering services contract with a state registered engineering services for up to two Texas Capital Fund applications for fiscal year 2017-2018 or the applicable fiscal year as designated by the TDA (Texas Department of Agriculture). The following outlines this request for engineering services.

I. Scope of Work – The engineering services contract will encompass all project related engineering services to the City of Lockhart, including but not limited to the following:
• Field surveying and related activities
• Preliminary and final design plans and specifications;
• Preparation of the bid packet;
• Conduct all field testing and inspections (interim and final); and
• Other special services.

The City of Lockhart proposal project description will be for public infrastructure improvements to facilitate industrial development in the City of Lockhart.

II. Statement of Qualifications – The City of Lockhart is seeking to contract with a competent engineering firm, registered to practice in the State of Texas, that has had experience in the following areas:
• Municipal construction including but not limited to waterworks, projects;
• Registered and in good standing as a professional engineer per the Texas Engineering Practice Act
• Federally funded construction projects; and
• Projects located in this general region of the state

As such, please provide within your proposal a list of past local government clients, as well as resumes of all engineering services that will or may be assigned to this project if you receive the engineering services contract award.

III. Evaluation Criteria – The proposals received will be evaluated and ranked according to the following criteria:

Criteria Maximum
Experience 60
Performance 20
Capacity to
Perform 20
Total 100

IV. For this RFP, Respondent’s qualifications will be evaluated and the most qualified Respondent will be selected, subject to negotiation of fair and reasonable compensation.

• For costs of architectural/engineering (A/E) professional services that will exceed $50,000, negotiations, including profit as a percentage of the price of the contract, must occur after the initial selection of the engineer or architect as price cannot be used as a selection factor. (See 2 CFR 200.320(d)(5) and Texas Government Code § 2254.004) Upon the initial selection of the Respon

dent based on its demonstrated competence and qualifications to perform such services, the Respondent must disclose and certify the percentage of profit as a separate element of the price of the contract during its negotiations with the Grant Recipient to determine fair and reasonable compensation.

V. The Deadline for submission of the responses for engineering services shall be received no later than 5:00 pm on June 14, 2018 at the following address: City of Lockhart 308 West San Antonio St. (P.O. Box 239), Lockhart, Texas 78644. The submission should include three (3) copies of the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and shall be returned in a sealed envelope to the City of Lockhart.

The City of Lockhart plans to apply for up to two 2017 – 2018 FY Texas Capital Fund grants funded by the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA).

Accordingly, the City is seeking to contract with a qualified Engineering Firm (individual or firm) to prepare all preliminary and final design plans and specifications, and to conduct all necessary interim and final inspections for two TCF applications for the balance of the 2017 – 2018 fiscal year or the applicable fiscal year as designated by the TDA. These services are being solicited to assist the City in its application preparation and project implementation of up to two TCF contracts, if awarded, to support the following: Public infrastructure improvements activities for the City of Lockhart.

The City shall receive proposals no later than 5:00 pm on June 14, 2018. The City reserves the right to negotiate with all individuals or firms that submit proposals, as per the Texas Professional Services Procurement Act and the Uniform Grant and Contract Management Standards.

Section 3 Residents and Business Concerns, Minority Business Enterprises, Small Business Enterprises, and Women Business Enterprises are encouraged to submit proposals.

The City of Lockhart is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
The City of Lockhart Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, June 13, 2018, at 7:00 P.M. in the lower level of City Hall, 308 West San Antonio Street, Lockhart, Texas, to receive public input regarding the following:

SUP-18-04. A request by Frank Gomillion on behalf of Ramona Capello for a Specific Use Permit to allow a Church on part of Lots 1 and 2, Block 41, Original Town of Lockhart, consisting of 0.546 acre zoned RMD Residential Medium Density District and located at 408 East Live Oak Street.

SUP-18-05. A request by Alice Fox with Fox Fox Studio on behalf of Two Horses, LLC, owned by Doug Zell, for a Specific Use Permit to allow a Bar and a Special Events Center on Lots 4-A, Block 221, Original Town of Lockhart, consisting of 0.059 acre zoned CCB Commercial Central Business District and located at 415 North Main Street.

SUP-18-06. A request by Johnny Granado, Jr. on behalf of Theresa Granado, for a Specific Use Permit to allow a Manufactured Home on Lots 12 and 13, Block 3, Oakview Annex Addition, consisting of 0.15 acre zoned RMD Residential Medium Density District and located at 803 Fourth Street.

All interested persons owning property within 200 feet of these properties who wish to state their support or opposition may do so at this Public Hearing; or they may submit a written statement to the City Planner or his designee for presentation to the Planning and Zoning Commission at or before the time the Public Hearing begins.

Should any person be aggrieved by the Commission’s action, a request may be submitted in writing for an appeal to City Council. Such request must be submitted to the Zoning Administrator (City Planner) within ten calendar days of the date of the Commission’s action.

Dan Gibson, AICP
City Planner
512-398-3461, ext. 236
The City of Lockhart Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, June 13, 2018, at 7:00 P.M. in the lower level of City Hall, 308 West San Antonio Street, Lockhart, Texas, to receive public input regarding the following:

ZC-18-09. A request by Green Acres Housing on behalf of Hal Davis for a Zoning Change from MH Manufactured Home District to RMD Residential Medium Density District on Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Cottage Addition, located at 1105 Red River Street.

All interested persons owning property within 200 feet of this property wishing to state their support or opposition may do so at this Public Hearing; or they may submit a written statement to the City Planner or his designee for presentation to the Planning and Zoning Commission at or before the time the Public Hearing begins.

The City of Lockhart City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, June 19, 2018, at
7:30 P.M. in the City Council Chamber, 3rd floor of the Clark Library-Masonic Building, 217 South Main Street, Lockhart, Texas, to consider this zoning change request, the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission, and valid protests if any.

One or more letters or petitions of protest submitted no later than two working days prior to the posted beginning of the City Council public hearing and containing the name, signature, and address of owners of collectively 20 percent or more of either the area of the land included in the proposed change or the area of land within 200 feet surrounding the land included in the proposed change, shall require the proposed change to receive the affirmative vote of at least three-fourths of all members of the City Council in order to take effect. Such letters or petitions submitted at least five calendar days prior to the posted beginning of the City Council public hearing will be provided to the Council and addressed in the staff recommendations in advance of the public hearing.

Dan Gibson, AICP
City Planner
512-398-3461, ext. 236
Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a wholesalers license(W) by Tequila Fire LLC to be located at 152 Wells Rd. Lockhart Texas 78644 Officers of said Limited Liability Company are Nancy Phelan (managing member ) Lucy HIbberd (Member) Fernando Troya (Member)
Do you compulsively over eat? Overeaters Anonymous offers support. We meet Sundays at 5 pm at the Emmanuel Episcopal Church 117 N. Church Street, Lockhart. We are not a diet club, no dues or fees or church affiliated.
“Any addict can stop using drugs, loose the desire to use, and find
a new way to live!” Our only requirement for membership is a desire
to stop using!
Conscious Contact Group of NA
Thursday, 8:00-9:00 PM
118 N. Church St. Lockhart TX
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
(side door of middle walkway)
For more information or support call Jade J. 512-766-1081
Have a drinking problem and want help?
Call us at or (512) 398-3506.
Sunday: 11 a.m. & 6 p.m., Monday: Noon & 6 p.m. Tuesday: 6 p.m., Wednesday: Noon & 6 p.m., Thursday 6 p.m. Friday: Noon & 6 p.m., Saturday, 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. and at 1016 Fir Ln., Lockhart. For more information, please contact Steve (512) 517-6054 or Travis (512) 784-6940.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS meets every Monday and Thursday nights at 8 p.m. at 301 S. Walnut St., Luling, 2 blocks south of HEB. Call Bill at (830) 875-6165.
ADULT SEXUAL ASSAULT PROGRAM – Experience healing. Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center sponsors a support group for adults sexually abused as children. Call 512-396-3404 or 800-700-4292 for more information.
Free Post Abortion Counseling (PACE). Call Cathy at 376-6088 or Cindy at 398-4405


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