Public Notices – Jan. 5, 2012: Lockhart and Caldwell County (Texas)






Community Action, Inc. of Central Texas will hold a public hearing on January 10, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. in the Glosserman Room, 308 W. San Antonio Street, Lockhart, TX to elect a community representative to the Board of Directors of Community Action, Inc. of Central Texas.  All interested

persons are encouraged to attend. For more information please contact Carole Belver, 512-392-1161, ext 328.


I Catherine S. Sherrow, a natural, flesh and blood person, reserve all rights now and forever, and waiving no rights, claim full legal right and title to the following described land: 1.112 acres out of the Thomas McGehee League Survey, Abstract # 11 shown as Lot 10 of “The Farms” Addition to Hays County, Texas. Plat thereof recorded in Vol. 1, Page 153 of the Plat Records of Hays County, Texas and being particularly described BY METES AND BOUNDS as follows:  Beginning at 1/2” Iron Rod in concrete, for the S. Corner Marker, thence proceeding 201.86 ft. N.W. @ 43 deg. 19’ 00” (record- Bearing Basis) to 112” Iron Rod in concrete for the W. Corner Marker, thence proceeding 238.55 ft. N.E. @ 46 deg. 07’ 14” to 1” Iron Pipe for the N. Corner Marker, thence proceeding S.E. 204.30 ft. @ 43 Deg 19’ 30” to 5/8” Iron Rod for the E. Corner Marker, thence proceeding 239.05 ft. S.W. @ 46 deg. 42’ 23” back to the Point of Beginning and containing/encircling 1.113 acres of land. Anyone contesting my claim may notify me by notary at 925 E. HWY 80, PMB 263, San Marcos, Tx 78666.


Caldwell County Appraisal District will be accepting applications until January 19, 2012 for appointment as an Appraisal Review Board member for the 2012/2013 term.  Board members receive compensation for their time for attending hearings. For application and more information please visit our website at , call 398-5550 ext 213, or come to the office 610 San Jacinto Street, Lockhart.


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