
Steel Magnolias “Christmas Joy” Concert hits Prairie Lea


The Prairie Lea United Methodist Church has extended an invitation to The Steel Magnolias to come present an extra performance of their “CHRISTMAS JOY” program one last time in Caldwell County during this Christmas season. This will be the group’s 14th Christmas program presented in this area. They will perform this fully choreographed musical on Sunday morning, December 22, 2019 at 10:30 a.m. The public is invited; there is no charge.
The group has also presented “Flash-mob” Christmas Carolings at HEB Grocery Stores, Walmarts, Cracker Barrels, What-a-Burgers, Bill Miller BBQs, Chick-Fil-As, and most recently at the Embassy Suites in San Marcos, TX.
The group does not charge or ask for any kind of donation. This is our gift back to the community. Director Debbie Daniel says, “It’s wonderful to see how children respond to Christmas Caroling. It’s a lost art, but a special Christmas tradition from the past. We’ve passed out jingle bells to the kids at many of our “Christmas Flash Mobs” and the children love to ring the bells along with our singing.”
The Steel Magnolias have sung throughout America and Canada the past thirteen years
presenting Gospel, Patriotic, and Christmas music concerts in Churches, Community/Performing Arts Centers, Veterans’ Hospitals, Men and Women Prisons, and Senior Living Facilities. The group has presented as many as 150 volunteer programs a year since 2006. The group just celebrated their 13-year Anniversary this past October 1, 2019.
Pastor Dave Dillon, and the congregation of Prairie Lea United Methodist Church, invite the public to come join them for this Sunday morning “Christmas Joy” concert during the regular Sunday morning service on December 22nd.
The church is located at 6725 Hwy. 80, Prairie Lea, TX 78661
You can call the church at (830) 433-0755 or the director, Debbie Daniel, (512) 757-4901, for more information. The public can go to: to see The Steel Magnolia concert schedule, or to find out more about this ministry and to review several performance videos.


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