
Vaccine clinic scheduled Tuesday


By LPR Staff

The Texas Department of State Health Services announced on Wednesday a free H1N1 vaccination clinic scheduled in Lockhart on Jan. 19.

According to the announcement, the DSHS has received, and will distribute, doses of the H1N1 influenza virus to Caldwell County residents, beginning at 11 a.m. on Tuesday. The clinic wi

ll be set up at the American Legion Hall on Highway 183 north of the Caldwell County Courthouse Square.

Those wishing to be vaccinated are reminded they will need to provide basic information, such as name, age and address, and are expected to share information regarding any recurrent or chronic health problems, so they can be correctly dosed at the free immunization clinic.

Most patients, officials said, will receive the nasal mist dose of the vaccine. Patients that are not eligible to receive the nasal mist – those over the age of 49 or those with chronic health issues such as asthma or diabetes – will be vaccinated with the shot.

However, the shots will only be distributed to patients who are well. Any individual exhibiting flu-like symptoms the day of the clinic will not be vaccinated.

Officials said they would have “ample supply” of the vaccine on hand to vaccinate anyone who wants to be vaccinated. Supply is not expected to be an issue.


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