We need to learn our steps with Christ


Jim Honeycutt

Chaplain-Baptist Minister

Early one morning, just enjoying the new day, I could hear the Lockhart High marching band practicing its halftime routine. From my backyard seat, I cannot see them, yet I enjoy every note that floats atop the breeze. 

Because of the distance between us, it’s hard to distinguish between the instruments as they blend together as one. Much less can I tell what individual is playing which part. I hear them as a whole. The band director who leads them stands not at a distance, and the band members do not have not their backs to him. They stand at a perfect vantage point, able to observe all that is happening, and he is able to act and react without delay, walking among them as needed. The director’s goal is to not only to teach his students the complexities of the total score of music and routine, but to ensure each instrument plays the correct part, that each participant is moving in unison together, according to their assignment. 

From my experiences as a proud band nerd, I can tell you learning the music is the easy part, at least it was for me. It was the marching around while trying to play my trombone where I had a hard time accomplishing the task. Besides practicing one’s part at home, learning the music together is mostly done in the band hall. Performing the music together can also be done in the band hall. But what highs marching band performs their halftime routine on Friday nights in the band hall, while the stands are full at the football field. And since a marching band is a band that should be marching, it just makes sense practice is needed to learn and memorize the pattern of the march. It would be simpler just to march around without an instrument, and that’s how the pattern is initially taught.

But again, it’s a marching… band…

If you were to have told me when I was just learning to play, “Here little Jimmy Honeycutt, take your big ole brass trombone that your arms aren’t quite long enough to hold, that your lungs haven’t learned to support, along with your crackly notes played slightly off key, go out on that field with all of Mart Panther nation watching, march around and play us a song.” Ugh, no, I would have screamed as I ran the other way.

But that’s not how it’s properly done. I was taught to play music in steps. And without going into each and every step, let me just say each one builds upon the next. I never fully dreamed when I was starting my musical journey at that young age what the end might look like… I’m still learning. I will also say, I have had good directors that taught with great patience and bad directors that taught nothing but intolerance.

But over the course of my educational experience, I came to not only embrace the satisfaction that playing an instrument brought me, I came to enjoy the ability to share it with others. We all know a band practices, practices, practices; they do this so when the time comes, they will be prepared to rise to the moment, knowing they are ready.

Now I’m not so naïve that I don’t understand pre-performance jitters. Yet having been there, I also know when my feet hit the field my training and practice took over, allowing me to carry on without fear.

Fear… The killer of joy… the sour note in a beautiful ballad… a rusty chain wrapped around our minds immobilizing our feet. Fear will keep the most talented of musicians silent, the most gifted of flag bearers still, the most called drum majors on the sidelines. Yet to those that have overcome their fears by trusting the band director, following the teaching given them, a beautifully coordinated movement set to inspiring melodies is fully displayed. Cool huh? But we all know that… right? At least we know that as it pertains to marching bands. But is it a truth that applies in other areas? I’m not sure about all other areas, yet there is one I want to quickly share with you.

So now I am talking to you directly… Church, body of Christ, those called into fellowship with The Lord God Creator of Heaven and Earth, those that are redeemed by The Blood of The Lamb, those that have tasted the mercy of a Compassionate Savior… why are some of you still sitting in the church building? It’s Friday night! The lights at the field are on. The crowds are assembled. Were you unable to learn your notes? Must we go over the patterns of our Faith in Christ again?

You are following the truth of Christ crucified, buried, resurrected, correct? Then what’s the problem? Fear? Please receive this… your personal Director, The Lord Jesus Christ walks among you. Teaching every note with great patience, instructing every step in gentleness for His great and glorious march of the redeemed. Fear will keep you sidelined. Christ’s perfect Love will cast out that fear. Beloved, join me on the field as He directs.


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