
Youth Burger Grill-Off & Kid Pedal Tractor Pull Sept. 9


Luling Foundation

The Youth Grill-Off is a state-wide team BBQ burger cook-off contest organized by cooperative efforts of the Luling Foundation and tri-county Texas A&M AgriLife Extension offices of Caldwell, Gonzales and Guadalupe County. 

The Youth Grill-Off will take place on Saturday, Sept. 9, at the Luling Foundation Farm’s (LFF) Demonstration Barn located at 523 S. Mulberry in Luling. Prizes will be given for Grand and Reserve Grand in each division.

Each registered team member is granted a raffle entry for a mega-prize drawing of a Blackstone Griddle with a gas conversion kit sponsored by Texas Gas Service. This contest is for youth ages 3rd through 12th grade consisting of 2-3 youth per team of the same age category. Contestant age group categories are as follows: JR Division: 3-7 grades, SR Division: 8-12 grade. 

Entry Fee will be $20/Team (Non-Refundable) and will be open to the first 32 team entries. Entry deadline is Aug. 28; entries received after places have been filled will be put on a waiting list. Teams will be provided with Luling Foundation ground Angus beef, an Old Smokey BBQ grill and charcoal. Official Rules, Entry Form and an itemized list of what to bring and what will be provided at

Each grill-off team be allowed to take the Old Smokey BBQ cooker home. This is the second year for this event and Caldwell County Farm Bureau is adding a kid’s pedal tractor pull for ages 2-12; sign-up will be conducted on the morning of the event.

For more information, call the Luling Foundation office at 830-875-2438.


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