
Zoning changes point to new Lockhart apartment complexes


From staff reports

The Lockhart City Council recently gave approval to zoning change requests that will open the door for more rental housing inside the city limits.

At its Jan. 18 meeting, Council approved:

A zoning change request from Alan Balser for a 40-acre property on 1601 Silent Valley Road from an Agricultural Open to a Residential High-Density district for eventual construction of apartments;

Another zoning change request from Balser for a 6.52-acre property for eventual construction of apartments on 2100 N. Cesar Chavez Pkwy. from an Agricultural Open to a Residential High-Density district;

A zoning change request for Earnest and Albert Yanez, acting on behalf of Trinity Street Properties, LLC, from Commercial Heavy Business to Residential High-Density for 0.614 acres on 1201 Blackjack St. to allow for a multifamily duplex or four-plex.

Additionally, council approved Sarah Corona of PSCE, Inc.’s zoning change request, on behalf of Najib Wehbe, from Agricultural Open to Commercial Heavy Business on 5.484 acres at 1507 N. Cesar Chavez Pwy. The new classification would make way for a commercial building consisting of a convenience store with a gas station and market.

The council also heard a report from the Capital Area Rural Transportation System. CARTS representatives came to talk about a new service called CARTS NOW, a low-cost, on demand ride service that allows Lockhart citizens to travel on their own time within the city. CARTS NOW rolls out in Lockhart March/April 2022 with the first six months considered a pilot period, consequently free of charge. After that, rides will be $2 each way. There will be two vans dedicated within Lockhart, both will have ramps/lifts. CARTS NOW currently provides service in Manor, Bastrop, and Taylor.

In other action, Council approved:

A resolution that allows a Lockhart Police Officer to purchase their duty weapon at fair market price upon retirement after honorable service.

The LEDC’s performance agreement with William Dodd Fowler, LLC and Commerce Café, LLC for a BIG Grant. Both businesses plan to update the façade of their buildings. BIG Grants provide a 50-percent rebate to downtown façade improvements for up to $20,000 per business. Upon approval, both businesses now have 60 days to complete their improvement projects.

A resolution establishing an administrative procedure for the nomination of members of City Boards, Committees and Commissions. Council also directed Staff to draft a new ordinance adding requirements for nominee qualifications.


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