
‘Conflict of Interest’ begins filming in Lockhart


By LPR Staff

Filming began Monday on a new political thriller that will return Caldwell County to the silver screen.
Staff and stars from Kyle’s Ranch Studios will be prowling Lockhart and rural Caldwell County for the next two weeks, weaving a tale of deception and whistle-blowing in Texas politics.
This week, the film’s l

argest star, Michael Madsen (Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill, Vol. 1 & 2) was not on location this week, according to locations manager Marty Swanson. However he, along with Francesco Quinn (ER, Crossing Jordan) and Joe Estevez (younger brother of Martin Sheen) are committed to the project, Swanson said.
In the tale, written by Bonnie Orr (The Lights, Poodle Dog Lounge) a spotlight is focused on both international policy and corruption in American politics. The plotline follows the plight of a senate intern, son of the newly-elected president of a beleaguered African nation with whom the United States severs trade relations because of “irregularities in a recent Parliamentary election.”
Swanson, a Lockhart business owner before she joined the Ranch Studios team as a production manager, said Lockhart was a perfect place to film several scenes in the movie.
“We’ve been working at the municipal offices, the library and a home here in town,” she said. “We will be filming at the Freshman Campus, the municipal airport, and we’ve got a big scene coming up in a couple of weeks at a political rally.”
Producer Terry Kellum said Lee Majors and at least two members of Willie Nelson’s family have signed on to the project.
No release date for the film has been set at this time.
Conflict of Interest is the latest of more than 30 films that have been shot in and around Lockhart. Swanson credits the popularity of Caldwell County as a “Hollywood back lot” to the ease of working with the citizens and the government.
“The City of Lockhart has been just great to work with,” she said. “Sandra Mauldin and others at the City have been incredible in helping us find the right locations and get in touch with the right people.”


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