Letters – Readers praise sidewalk project


Dear Editor,
I would like to start by saying that the new sidewalk project is great. I can hardly wait until it spans our city. Since the sidewalk went in, I have started walking about five days a week. My average walk is around three miles. I feel better and have lost five pounds.
I would like to make a request of homeowners who live where the sidewalk has been

added. Please take your trash cans in and don”t leave them in the middle of the sidewalk. Please do not blow your cut grass onto the sidewalk. Please trim your trees that hang over the sidewalk. If you physically can”t trim your trees, call the city; I would hope that they would be willing to assist.
Walkers, joggers, and bike riders, please do not let your dogs use the sidewalk for things other than walking; and if they do, pick it up. Please respect the homeowners” property.


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