Letters – Author responds to Doggett criticism


To the Editor:
I am responding to a letter published recently concerning our Congressman Lloyd Doggett.
Perhaps the author of that letter is new to our community. Doggett is not. Since first representing Lockhart as our State Senator, and more recently as our Congressman, Doggett has never been a stranger to Caldwell County. Our beautiful Courthouse even adorns h

is U.S. House website.
Congressman Doggett has always worked to control wasteful spending. A watchdog group, Taxpayers for Common Sense, has ranked Doggett the number one most fiscally responsible Congressman in Texas for four consecutive years. During all of his years of dedicated service, Congressman Doggett has never been touched by a hint of scandal, nor has he ever sought personal gain from the trust we have placed in him.
Congressman Doggett also knows that America needs to become less dependent on fossil fuels and that we must continuously encourage high-wage jobs in alternate energy sources. Drilling more in America, by itself, cannot solely resolve the problem. He stresses that finding and funding alternatives to foreign oil dependence is imperative.
In my opinion, Caldwell County and the State of Texas are most fortunate to be represented by Lloyd Doggett.
Dianne Stevenson


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