Burn ban lifted in Caldwell County


LPR staff

Emergency Management Chief Hector Rangel said rain was heavy in the forecast through Sunday and asked for the burn ban to be removed at Tuesday’s Caldwell County Commissioners Court. Commissioners approved his request.

“We’ve had a few fires over the last two weeks, but nothing major,” Rangel said. “We get a few showers and people go lighting fires.”

In other business:

A proposed concept plan was discussed for Serna Subdivision off FM 672. It was noted that as many as six homes had been built on the property without a permit. There is also a cemetery on the property, and state law requires access must be maintained to a cemetery.

Lydia Serna said her mother was buried in the cemetery and often the road is locked, and people have refused to move their vehicles. She said she had once hired a man to mow the cemetery, and he eventually quit because “he feared for his life” when he was threatened.

The next Commissioners Court meeting has been moved up a day from Tuesday, Dec. 24 to Monday, Dec. 23 at the Caldwell County Courthouse beginning at 9 a.m.

Commissioners approved:

* The replat of Tinney Lake Subdivision, consisting of one lot on about 10 acres located on FM 713.

* The final plat for Sunset Oaks, Section V, Phase 1B consisting of 226 lots on about 33.56 acres located on Highway 21 and CR 1966.

* The preliminary plat for Schulle Farms subdivision consisting of 845 lots on about 226.63 acres located on Highway 21 and Misty Lane.

* The Development Agreement for Southern Meadows consisting of 120.73 acres located on FM 1984.

* The final plat for Tumbleweed Ranch consisting of 11 residential lots on about 24.43 acres located on Witter Road and Tumbleweed Trail.


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