Letters – Reader responds to proposed definitions
To the Editor:
In response to Ms. Vann’s article (Oct. 20, 2011 Post-Register) “difference between liberal and conservative,” I salute Ms. Vann’s diligence in attempting to persuade the reader to define a “liberal” as a “conservative” and vice versa; however this article is akin to “Nero fiddled while Rome burned.” The residents of Caldwell Cou
nty are losing their individual and property rights due to the passing of legislation (Subdivision Development Ordinance and the Plum Creek Watershed Protection Plan) by these three men: Judge Bonn, Commissioner Cyrier and Commissioner Buchholtz. These three men promised their political party AND their constituents they would:
1. Limit the size of government, create a budget that is within our means, and protect our ‘rainy day fund.’ (Republican Platform)
2. Protect our Individual Rights and Private Property Rights and
3. Work with the people while listening to… and working for… the citizens of Caldwell County
Be these three officials “liberal or conservative” by Ms. Vann’s definitions; matters not. What does matter is the fact that they are not fulfilling their promise to their political party nor most importantly, to the people of Caldwell County.
In response to Judge Bonn, “Why County Administrator” (Oct. 20, 2011, Post-Register), we have apparently elected three officials who are listening to a non-resident rather than to their constituents. Judge Bonn’s monthly “Think Tank” meetings should be held with “the people,” not his “distinguished select group.”
Under Judge Duesterheft, this non-resident tailored a county administrator position for himself, but was not awarded this position under the former judge. This non-resident then proceeded to co-create the county budget with the present Judge Bonn (supposedly necessitated after our 20 plus year county auditor “suddenly departed”). In this year’s budget, this non-resident wrote -in his prior “tailor made” position – a salary of $76,600 and a job position and salary for his wife. In court, Judge Bonn referred to this as “negotiating.”
One must then ask, “Did Judge Bonn negotiate his salary in the military, as both of these positions are paid for by the taxpayer?” Others may refer to this as cronyism, nepotism and even question why a small county needs two county administrators?
According to the 2010 Census, Caldwell County, unlike its surrounding counties, has but a 38,066 population. Other counties of similar size haven’t hired an additional county administrator, nor a Human Resource Deptartment, nor have taken the payroll duty from the elected County Treasurer and given it to the HR position. One asks, “To make this HR position appear more worthwhile or to have this department under the power of this non-resident, non-elected person who was ‘given’ this county administrator position?”
Lastly, one must respond, if the county judge’s position is too taxing and he feels he cannot adequately handle its “numerous’ duties,” perhaps we need to find a person who can.
Susan Modrall