
After Murphy’s Law, Bistro opens in Gonzales


Parind Vora, owner and head chef of Gonzales Bistro, said his new restaurant met Murphy’s Law on its scheduled opening weekend and was forced to close for a couple of days.

However, the spinoff of Lockhart Bistro, temporarily closed after a July fire, is back to running regular hours: Wednesday and Thursday from 5-9:30 p.m.; Friday and Saturday from 5-10 p.m.; and Sunday from 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

“The internet went down 15 minutes before we opened and the customers that were there each had to punch their numbers in by hand,” Vora said. “It took a while, so we closed for the rest of the weekend. I was in New York the next day anyway.”

Gonzales Bistro is located at 320 St. George Street.

Lockhart Bistro hopes to reopen in 2023.


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