
Area fugitives rounded up during Operation FALCON


By LPR Staff

Many hands made light work with huge payoffs for Caldwell County law enforcement in June. Under a cooperative effort with other area agencies and the US Marshal Service, nearly 40 fugitives were arrested in Caldwell County during the month of June.

The annual program, known as Operation FALCON (Federal and Local Cops Or

ganized Nationally), is sponsored by the US Marshal Service, but includes law enforcement personnel from across the nation. This year, the operation netted 2,495 arrests in the Western District of Texas, with 288 of those arrests in the Austin area alone, US Marshal Lafayette Collins announced on Friday.

The Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office and the Caldwell County District Attorney’s Office were instrumental in this year’s operation, which took 38 Caldwell County fugitives off the streets in one month, Collins said.

“The cooperation and enthusiasm of law enforcement agencies in the Western District of Texas has always been incredible,” Collins said during the Friday morning press conference. “We are facing new challenges in law enforcement and must always adapt to overcome sometimes overwhelming odds when faced with the criminal element that places our communities in danger. With our law enforcement partners, law enforcement at all levels are dedicated to a safer Texas, nation and world and it shows in this tremendous success.”

One of the more notable arrests, according to Collins, took place in Luling.

Working in cooperation with representatives from Caldwell County and the Luling Police Department, a fugitive by the name of Johnathan Moore was arrested in Luling. Moore was wanted on six counts of Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon.

“I have never been as proud of law enforcement than I am today,” Collins said. “The biggest problem we had during the operation was getting the officers to go home and sleep. They enjoyed the camaraderie and putting the bad guys away.”

Although the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office has been involved in Operation FALCON and the US Marshal’s Fugitive Task Force for some time, this was the first year for participation for District Attorney Trey Hicks and his investigators.

Among those arrested in Caldwell County in connection with Operation Falcon were:
Adams, Benjamin Wyatt (04/05/83);
Adams, Benjamin Wyatt (4/5/83);
Alvarez, John Manuel (06/28/72);
Bailey, Charity Lee (10/23/79);
Boyd, Quincy Jr. (09/02/88);
Burr, Gary Lee (12/12/59);
Carrillo, Adolfo (10/23/89);
Carter, Lillian (12/10/65);
Cortez, Juan Diego (08/23/73);
Deleon, Christopher (02/15/79);
Grogan, Matthew (08/23/60);
Guidry, Morgan (12/15/87);
Guillen, Rolando (03/15/85);
Heath, Vernon W., III (07/07/82)
Herrera, Joseph Jerome (08/01/87);
Jacobs, Anthony Wayne (05/25/78);
Johnson, Matthew Martin (05/16/79);
Johnson, Willie B. (9/8/47);
Joiner, Warren D. (08/20/85);
Limmer, Anita Sue (01/04/77);
Martinez, Johnny (02/23/57);
Martinez, Juan Carlos (03/29/76);
Montgomery, Quinton Fredrick (10/02/88);
Moore, Anthony Dexter (05/24/62);
Moore, Jonathan (05/16/88);
Peralez, Claudio Sebastian (02/21/92);
Rangel, Michael Raul (7/13/89);
Rodriguez, Michael Anthony (10/01/66);
Shannon, Raushanique (02/14/89);
Stair, Kelly Dean (12/23/68); and
Wardlow, Stephanie L. (11/08/90).


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