
Brock cabin gets reprieve


By LPR Staff

A decision made by the Lockhart City Council last month raised eyebrows in the historical preservation community.

After several years of suffering neglect in its current location in Lion’s Park, the historic Brock Cabin has become something of a safety hazard, according to reports from structural engineers delivered t

o the city. Over the years, restoration projects have been discussed, but always shelved for lack of funding. This time, the council decided if a rehabilitation of the structure could not generate the interest of the community, the cabin would be destroyed.

Several members of the Lockhart Historical Preservation Committee and the Caldwell County Historical Society came forward on Tuesday asking the council for time and support in figuring out a way to save the cabin.

“This is a project that’s not going to be completed by the Historical Commission, by the Lions Club or by the city alone,” said Donaly Brice, a local historian who delivered an impassioned plea to save the history of the cabin.

“It’s going to take the efforts of the entire community. I acknowledge that there are a lot of reasons for tearing it down, but there are more reasons to not to.”

Brice spoke of the history of the cabin and of A.L. Brock, who built and lived in the structure, who was one of Lockhart’s founding fathers.

“When our heritage is gone, it’s gone,” he said. “That’s something everyone in this room should be mindful of.”

Though it is presently fenced off and public access is prohibited, the cabin has been broken into and vandalized several times in recent months, according to Councilmember Kenny Roland. That pattern has sparked much of the council’s concern about the structure.

“All it’s going to take is someone breaking in there and getting hurt, and the city is going to be liable for a million dollars,” said Councilmember Paul Gomez. “I’ve been sitting on this council for six years, and every year this comes to us, and every year, nothing gets done.”

The council unanimously voted to table further discussions about the cabin’s fate until January, offering interested citizens the time to generate interest in and, possibly, a plan to fund restoration of the cabin.
In other business:

More than two years ago, the council designated property within City Park and around $60,000 in Parks Department funds for the construction of a skate park.
Working with a local organization, the city agreed to help construct the skateboard park. However, because of budgetary constraints this year, Bertram suggested possibly de-obligating the funds in order to apply them toward other needs within the Parks Department.
According to City Manager Vance Rodgers, the citizen organization working toward the construction of the skateboard park failed to live up to their obligations, in that they have not yet filed for “non-profit” tax status, nor were they able to secure in-kind or other donations for construction and materials.

While Bertram recommended not de-obligating the property, he asked the council to consider removing the earmark from the funds. The panel unanimously agreed to do so.

In brief news:
The City renewed participation in a Memorandum of Understanding with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to continue idling guidelines within the City of Lockhart.

The council read a proclamation declaring Sept. 1- 5 as National Payroll Week in Lockhart.

They approved a contract with Lawn Service by James for the destruction of a garage on Ruddy Street and a residence on Plum Street upon the recommendations of the Construction Review Board. Both structures were found to be in disrepair. Owners will be sent bills for the demolition services.


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