Burn ban remains lifted in county


LPR staff

Caldwell County Emergency Management Chief Hector Rangel noted there had been only a few fires over the last couple of weeks, and one over the weekend that burned 4.6 acres was from a property owner burning trash when the fire “got away from him.”

The next significant rain in the forecast, Rangel said, was Thursday, Oct. 19 with a 50 percent chance.

At Tuesday morning’s meeting of Caldwell County Commissioners, the burn ban was kept off (it had been removed on Friday) and Rangel asked that it remain off until further notice.

In other business:

Commissioners nominated Sally Daniel, Kathy Haigler, Alfredo Munoz, Linda Hinkle, Kaylin Cabe, Quartermetra Hughes, and Jackie Johnson for the Caldwell County Appraisal District Board of Directors.

David Childress was appointed by Commissioners to the ESD No. 2 board of directors.

Commissioners approved a final plat of two lots at Upper Pool Hollow Ranches at FM 1854 and FM 672; a preliminary plat of 14 residential lots at Casa Subdivision consisting of 17.283 acres on FM 1854; and a final plat for Alcala Family Subdivision and a two-lot split on Old Lockhart Road.


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