Caldwell County begins process to upgrade radios, towers


Caldwell County

Caldwell County has officially begun the process to improve communication capabilities for area law enforcement officers.
A plan to transition to making use of the Lower Colorado River Authority’s Trunked Radio system is underway. Commissioners approved an interlocal cooperation agreement between the County and the LCRA for radio equipment and services on Dec. 27, 2022 and the equipment the county needs to make use of the LCRA’s system has been ordered, Caldwell County Judge Hoppy Haden said.
Motorola Solutions currently handles the county’s radios and towers, but Caldwell County sheriff’s deputies and deputy constables have reported occasions on which they have been unable to communicate with dispatch and have had to use their cell phones to communicate, including when inside buildings and in certain parts of the county.
“Clear, consistent reliable communication is essential not only to keeping our law enforcement officers safe when they’re responding to calls, but to keeping the public safe as well,” Judge Haden explained.
“We are excited about transitioning to our new system and believe it will improve things for the people who use it and the people they serve.”
In addition to the county’s law enforcement agencies, the City of Luling will also be on the new system.
Other local governments — such as the City of Lockhart — could utilize the system if they want to be part of the centralized dispatch.
The switchover will not occur immediately.
“The tower equipment can take a while to get,” Judge Haden said. “We are looking at 14 months from beginning to end to get everything on the towers. We’ll continue to use our current system until we get this up and going.”
Funding made available by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 will cover the cost of the $3.5 million project.
More than 100 cities, counties, electric utilities, and other public safety entities use LCRA’s radio system, including the cities of New Braunfels and San Marcos, Hays County, Brown County, Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative, Pedernales Electric Cooperative, Capital Metro, and many volunteer fire departments.


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