
Caldwell County residents eligible for Texas Rental Relief Program


By Kristen Meriwether, Editor LPR

If you are behind on your rent or electric bills due to the pandemic you may be eligible for new relief.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced the launch of the Texas Rent Relief Program, which can help renters pay three months of past due, current, or expected rent costs and utility and energy expenses. Renters can also apply for an additional three months of assistance if funds remain in the program.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has placed a significant financial strain on many Texans, and the Texas Rent Relief Program will provide an incredible lifeline to households in need of assistance on their rent and utility payments,” Governor Abbott said in a press release. “I urge qualifying households to apply for this program once applications open on February 15th. The State of Texas will continue to provide the resources and support for those in need throughout the pandemic.”

To qualify households must be at or below 80 percent of the area median income (AMI). The AMI for a household of one in Caldwell County is $97,600, and 80 percent is $54,700. Qualifications also stipulate a member of the household must have qualified for unemployment benefits or attest in writing that due to the pandemic they saw a reduction in household income, incurred significant costs, or experienced financial hardship. Households must also demonstrate they are at risk of homelessness or housing instability by providing an eviction notice or past-due notice. The rental unit must be your primary residence in the State of Texas.

The program will allow renters to produce bills all the way back to March 13, 2020, when the pandemic began.

The program will prioritize households which have incomes at or below 50 percent AMI ($34,200 for Caldwell County), or where a member of the household has been unemployed for 90 days and was still unemployed the day the application was submitted.

All payments will be made directly to the landlord or utility provider unless those entities do not agree to accept the payment.

Funding for this program comes from the more than $1 billion allocated to Texas through the latest federal COVID-19 stimulus bill.

Beginning Feb. 15th, applicants can submit their application by calling 1-833-9TX-RENT (1-833-989-7368) or submitting it online at The call center will be open Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.

To view your AMI please click here.


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