Candidates report on pre-election spending


By LPR Staff

Local candidates are pulling out both the stops and their pocketbooks as the Nov. 4, 2008, election draws near. In the waning days of campaigning, most candidates in contested local races show marked increases in both fundraising and spending, as they make a final push toward winning the day on Tuesday.

Daniel Law and J

immy Parker, rivals for the office of Caldwell County Sheriff, are running the county’s highest-finance race. In campaign reports filed on Oct. 27, both claim fundraising and spending in the thousands.

Parker, the Republican challenger, leads the way in both fundraising and spending for this reporting period. His latest finance report shows fundraising in excess of $4,100, with $1,000 having been donated by Luling resident Rosine Carter. Parker also shows $455 in campaign-related loans.

Parker also reports having spent $3,334.81 on campaign expenses. The bulk of that spending, a total of $1,553.66, was distributed between Austin companies Hardeman Signs and Capitol Display for campaign signs, while he spent another $548.63 in local advertising.

Law, the Democratic incumbent, noted $2,450 in political fundraising this reporting period, with large contributions coming from North Texas. J.L. White of Frisco and Bill DeWhitt of Plano each contributed $400 to Law’s campaign, while Fred Hoskins of Austin donated $750.

Law spent nearly $2,000 on advertising during this reporting period, citing a total of $1,991.57 in local advertising.
The candidates for Caldwell County Commissioner – Precinct One have also increased their overall spending since the last reporting period.

Incumbent Republican Tom Bonn reports $635 in campaign fundraising and $795.52 in spending, according to the Oct. 27 report. Of his spending, the bulk, $525, was for local advertising, while another $230.59 was paid to Hardeman for signs.

Democratic challenger Richard Mendez reported higher levels of both spending and fundraising than his opponent.
In his report dated Oct. 28, Mendez claimed $875 in fundraising and $1,817 in spending. Most of that spending, a total of $1,159.03, was spent with Lockhart’s Printing Solutions and the United States Postal Service for a series of mailers and flyers. Mendez also spent $595 on local advertising.

Precinct Three County Commissioner Candidates Neto Madrigal and Sergio Gamez seem to be running very different races, financially.

Incumbent Democrat Madrigal reports $450 in fundraising, mostly in donations of $100 or less, and a total of $720.13 in spending, though his spending was not itemized. Notably, Madrigal did receive a donation of $250 from incumbent US Representative Lloyd Doggett.

Gamez, the Republican challenger, on the other hand, has more than doubled his opponent both in fundraising and in spending. He reported $1,340 in campaign fundraising and $1,860 in spending. Most of his spending, $1,671.53, has been paid to Hardeman for campaign signs.

Joyce Cayton, the Republican challenger for Caldwell County Tax Assessor Collector, reported $650 in fundraising and $894.65 in spending.

Most of her fundraising, $450, came in the form of a contribution from the Caldwell County Republican Women, while the lion’s share of her spending, $770.06, was paid to Hardeman for campaign signs.

Her opponent, incumbent Assessor-Collector Mary Vicky Gonzales, had not submitted her seven-day report at press time.


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