
CARTS now available in Lockhart


By Kyle Mooty

LPR Editor

Capital Area Rural Transportation System, better known as CARTS, launched its CARTS Now service on Monday in Lockhart. Residents can either use the app or call CARTS and within 15 minutes be picked up and on their way to whatever destination they need.

“This is a new way to get around town.,” said CARTS General Manager David Marsh. “What we’re doing today is bringing the future to Lockhart now. This will serve more people and will make it easier on customers.”

The app, according to Marsh, is easy to use and will tell customers how long the van will be before it arrives.

Dana Platt is the CARTS Community Service Director. Also on hand was Laney Cloud, the U.S. Regional Lead for Partnerships/Via based in San Antonio.

Lockhart Mayor Lew White addressed those that gathered outside of City Hall, stating, “What an exciting day to be in Lockhart. Our partnership with CARTS has reached a new milestone. This is a great addition to our rapidly growing city. Lockhart is a city on the move, and with the addition of CARTS our citizens can now reach their destinations safely, easily and efficiently.”

Bastrop and Taylor were the first two local towns to launch the service. CARTS Now will have two vans dedicated to Lockhart, and they will be available from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday. The vans, easily noticeable with their bright red color, will have handicap-accessible ramps.

Marsh thanked the entire Lockhart City staff as well as Caldwell County Commissioner Barbara Shelton for helping bring the project to the area.

The rides will be free for about 90 days to let people get used to our service, according to Marsh. After that, the rides will be $2 each, $1 for seniors, people with disabilities and children under 12 who are accompanied by an adult.


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