
Christmas arrives in Lockhart


By LPR Staff

The stage is set and the community is prepared to welcome the holidays with the 18th Annual Dickens Christmas in Lockhart.
As they have for the last 17 years, the Friends of the Dr. Eugene Clark Library have been working tirelessly to present a fun-filled, family-oriented, completely free event. With the help and contrib

utions of countless volunteers and sponsors, the Friends are proud to once again be able to ensure that no child that wants to participate in a “Dickens” event will be turned away.
For the second year, Dickens festivities will begin on Friday evening, as Downtown Lockhart comes alive with holiday spirit during the third annual Lighted Christmas Parade. Dozens of floats, car clubs and walking entries have already signed up to participate in the parade, which traditionally includes a journey to the past, with many entrants in Victorian costume, and a guest appearance from at least one special visitor – Father Christmas.
The Lighted Christmas Parade will begin at 7 p.m. on Friday.
On Saturday, step back in time as Main Street becomes a village in Old England, with vendors, entertainers and performers providing a full day of family fun.
The Dickens Christmas in Lockhart entertainment schedule has grown significantly this year to include both time-honored favorites – such as the birds-of-prey show and performances by all of LISD”s school choirs – and up-and-coming traditions like the Austin Children”s Choir, the Capital City Highlanders and the Clickety Cloggers.
Train rides, a petting zoo and a variety of games will be available, free of charge, to the children, while their parents are invited to browse and shop one of the many arts-and-crafts booths, or the businesses situated around the Square.
The focal point of A Dickens” Christmas in Lockhart, of course, is the historic Dr. Eugene Clark Library. Throughout the festival, the library”s doors will be open so visitors can enjoy the splendor of the lavish holiday decorations, rest with a good book, or embrace the opportunity to get in out of the snow.
A Dickens” Christmas in Lockhart will culminate at around 7 p.m. on Saturday evening, as Lockhart”s Most Worthy Citizen 2007, Jody King, lights the Yule Log and Mayor James “Jimmy” Bertram reads a proclamation declaring that Christmas has come to Lockhart. Afterward, the community is invited to stay for Christmas caroling by candlelight.
For more information or a full schedule of events, visit the Dr. Eugene Clark Library at 217 S. Main Street, or call (512) 398-3223.


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