Commissioners consider remodeling court


By LPR Staff

Remodeling and soundproofing the Caldwell County 421st District Courtroom remains a steady topic of conversation for the Caldwell County Commissioners, but a resolution to the problem seems difficult to come by.
Last month, District Judge Todd Blomerth approached the Court asking for an investment in the building to inst

all soundproof doors to help dull the noise of passing traffic on San Antonio Street. Upon conversation, the project grew to include discussion of enclosing a portion of the building, creating another hallway and, potentially, additional office space.
This week, Commissioner Tom Bonn asked a Dale architect to join him in Commissioners” Court to discuss the building”s possibilities. Since the beginning of the conversation, Bonn has been adamantly opposed to a “piecemeal” project, suggesting that if construction needs to be done on the building, all issues should be addressed at once.
Suggestions for the project include extending the building”s walls and re-insulating the walls. A more radical suggestion is to petition the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to remove the stop sign at the corner of San Antonio and Commerce Streets, to alleviate the need for trucks to stop at Highway 183 and then stop again at Commerce Street.
Bonn will continue working with the architect to determine what, if any solution will be best.
In a related project, Maintenance Director Curtis Webber informed the Commissioners that construction would soon be under way on the Caldwell County Tax Office to install Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant doors in the Tax Office. The funding for the project, Webber said, will come from Help America Vote Act (HAVA) funding the county previously received.
In other news, Commissioner Joe Roland returned to Court on Monday after an extended period of recovery following a stroke and heart attack last month. Roland, who appears to be recovering well, offered words of thanks and appreciation to the community and to the other Commissioners for their thoughts, prayers and well-wishes during his illness and recovery.
In addition to recognizing Roland on his recovery and return, the Commissioners also read proclamations declaring the week of April 13- 19 Caldwell County Crime Victims” Rights week and April 2008 as Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month.
In brief Court news:
The Commissioners, acting under the advice of Emergency Management Coordinator Jim Parker, opted to leave the outdoor burning ban off for at least another week, and commended county residents for their care and diligence in burning brush piles safely.
They discussed purchasing equipment to install in the Caldwell County Constables” two “pool cars.”
The Court heard reports from Veteran Services Officer Larry Corpus, and the monthly tax collection report prepared by Chief Appraiser Pete Islas.
They discussed the cost of certain change orders to the Caldwell County Jail expansion project, and will continue to discuss those change orders during their next meeting.
The county paid bills in the amount of $287,017.49, which included $26,181.29 in indigent legal defense fees.
The Caldwell County Commissioners meet on the second, third and fourth Monday of each month at 9 a.m. in Room 100 of the Caldwell County Courthouse.


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