
Commissioners to look at possible CIP vote


By Kyle Mooty

LPR Editor

American Structurepoint representatives addressed Caldwell County Commissioners Court Tuesday morning regarding the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), both rehashing its Open Houses in Lockhart and Luling held recently as well as seeking direction on how the county wants to move forward with its transportation plan.

There will be two more Commissioners Court meetings – July 23 and Aug. 13 – prior to the deadline of Aug. 19 for the county to decide what, if anything, it wishes to place on the November General Election ballot.

American Structurepoint was represented at Tuesday’s meeting by Senior Project Manager Will Conley and Senior Project Manager Steve Widacki.

Conley noted that between the Austin and San Antonio Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA) there is projected to be about nine million people in the near future, a 243 percent increase from now.

“That will mean a large job increase in Caldwell County,” Conley said.

There were 72 people in all attending the Open Houses, but there were as many as 5,000 who viewed the documents online, including many who took the online survey.

“About 84 percent of those online said they believe growth will continue,” Widacki said. “Fifty percent of those on the survey said the infrastructure and roads were a priority, but they wanted to keep taxes low. Very few believe a wait-and-see attitude should be adopted. They have a strong sense to prepare and move forward.”

Caldwell County Judge Hoppy Haden told commissioners there were multiple options to consider.

“We all understand growth is coming to our county,” Commissioner Ed Theriot said. “We’ve seen growth come to other counties and there are counties that have struggled and have had to play catch up.”

Haden suggested that the list of transportation plans provided in the CIP be “whittled down” and “prioritizing the list.”

In other business:

The county agreed to reallocate American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. The county will replace old computers and laptops that cannot be upgraded with $50,000 of those funds.

There will be $300,000 in reallocated fund for renovating a room at the Justice center for 9-1-1 Dispatch.

Unit Road Department will receive $450,000, with the remaining $500,000 in reallocated funds going to planning and engineering for a potential future office building on county land near the Justice Center. Judge Haden said more office space is desperately needed.

Caldwell County Emergency Management Chief Hector said there had been four structure fires in the previous two weeks, including one that began Monday night. Rangel said the weather looked “pretty grim” over the next 10 days with exception of a possibility of some rain from a tropical storm.

Rangel asked for and was approved to keep the burn ban off, but also kept open the possibility of an emergency ban if needed.

Commissioners approved the following:

Short Form Plat for De Jesus Subdivision consisting of three residential lots on about 10.18 acres located on Plant Road and Horseshoe Bend Drive.

Short Form Plat for Mule Creek Estates consisting of two residential lots on about 5.86 acres located on Mule Creek Road.

Final Plat for Spanish Oak Acres, Phase 2 consisting of 12 residential lots on about 20.1 acres located on Old Colony Line Road and Spanish Oak Road.

Short Form Plat for Pettytown Subdivision consisting of four residential lots on about 13.19 acres located on Pettytown Road.

A request for a six-month extension for the approved plat of Maxwell Farms on about 80.36 acres located on Farmers Road.

Final Plat for FM 672 Acres consisting of nine residential lots on about 13.45 acres located on FM 672.


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