
Congressman Michael Cloud visits Lockhart


By Kristen Meriwether, Editor LPR

Congressman Michael Cloud visited Lockhart on Feb 9, but it was to sample more than just the BBQ. It is no secret that development is coming to the area and the Congressman was invited to listen to presentations from local officials about the industrial growth projected to come to the district he represents. 

LPR was invited to attend the lunch, which was held at Smitty’s Market on Feb. 9. Lockhart Economic Development Director Mike Kamerlander gave a presentation highlighting the new 75-acre industrial park, which is expected to attract more manufacturing companies. Kamerlander said the city is expected to close on the land in the coming days and he has numerous companies expressing interest in what will be shovel-ready lots.

Congressman Cloud recently joined the Agriculture Committee which oversees the agriculture industry, trade, markets, food transparency, forestry, nutrition, conservation, and rural development. The Congressman said he would be very interested in keeping informed on the agriculture that continues to support the county’s economy, as well as food manufacturing coming to the area.

The meeting had Lockhart and Luling city officials, as well as Caldwell County officials present. Congressman Cloud asked those officials if they had any difficulty getting funding from the CARES Act. Luling reported they had received their reimbursement, but Caldwell County had not. The Congressman took notes and offered his assistance if it became needed.


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