County puts funding on hold


The Caldwell County Commissioners split on giving funds to a new volunteer fire department for Delhi Monday.
County Judge H.T. Wright cast the deciding vote not to help fund the new fire department until the next budget year three months from now.
Commissioner Charles Bullock wanted the county to fund the department immediately.
He made a motion that the fu

nding begin July 1, but was defeated when Wright cast the deciding vote against his motion.
Commissioner Ronnie Duesterheft wanted to wait until the court could review the new fire department’s articles of incorporation.
Duesterheft said several of the volunteer departments are considering petitioning to become taxing entities.
“Several districts, Mid-County, McMahan, Neiderwald, Lytton Springs and Uhland are all considering becoming Emergency Service Districts,” Duesterheft said. If approved by the voters, the fire departments could then levy up to a 10 cent tax to help pay for their services.
The county routinely grants $450 a month to each of the rural volunteer fire departments in the county.
• Approved the Caldwell County Extension Agent Report for May from Sarah Montgomery.
• Approved a request to move funds ($500) from one line item to another line item in current budget of Justice of Peace M. Louis Cisneros. The judge made the request in order to pay for Internet service for his court.
• Opened annual bids for the period beginning Oct. 1, 2004 and terminating Sept. 30, 2005, for the Caldwell County unit road system on flexible base, aggregate, asphalt materials, fuel (regular unleaded/No. 2 diesel), oil and lubricants. Auditor Sonny Rougeou and Unit Roads Director Bill Alexander will review the bids and make their recommendations to the court at its next meeting.
• Paid bills in the amount of $533,946.75.
The court held a general discussion on road and bridge projects under way at the Caldwell County Unit Road System.


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