
County releases Trevino autopsy


By LPR Staff

Caldwell County officials recently released the autopsy report on Sarah Trevino, the 28-year-old woman who died while in the custody of the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Department in June.
The examination was performed by the Travis County Chief Medical Examiner, David Dolinak and released to Caldwell County officials las

t week.
According to the report, Trevino showed no signs of injury, but did have ample evidence of having received medical treatment prior to her death. She did, however, show levels of drugs and alcohol in her system, factors which Dolinak cited as the primary cause of death. His conclusion was that Trevino “died as the result of acute multiple drug and ethanol toxicity.”
The Sheriff’s Office has fallen under heavy fire in recent weeks as stories circulated that Trevino was intoxicated and unattended after being booked into the Caldwell County Jail on public intoxication charges.
Because the incident is still under investigation by Caldwell County District Attorney Reagan “Trey” Hicks and the Texas Rangers, Sheriff Daniel Law could not comment on the report or its results. He expects to release a public statement after the investigation is complete.


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