County to honor victims of crime


By LPR Staff

Caldwell County will host a gathering to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the President”s Task Force on Victims of Crime
“If people in the community are asked what justice means to them, it most assuredly would depend on their personal views and life experiences,” wrote Judy Thomas in a release abo

ut Caldwell County”s planned event. “Ask a crime victim what justice means to them and their answers will most likely be held together with a common thread and a recurring theme – they would ask that they be treated with respect and that their voices be heard in decisions that are related to their cases, as well as to their lives.”
In 1982, President Ronald Reagan created a task force to address the specific needs of crime victims and their families. According to Thomas, it was the first time a national attention had been given to crime victims within the criminal justice system. Until Reagan”s enactment of the task force, the focus remained primarily on punishment of the guilty.
On Monday, April 11, Caldwell County officials will unite on the Courthouse Lawn with members of the Caldwell County Victims” Assistance Team and crime victims to recognize the struggles that continue to face victims of crime.
At 7 p.m., County Judge H.T. Wright and Commissioner Tom Bonn will offer comments to open the ceremony. District Attorney Chris Schneider will give a special music presentation. Later, Christi Wheeler, herself a victim of an armed robbery and assault, will present a wreath in honor of crime victims.
Throughout the ceremony, the volunteer members of the Caldwell County Victims” Assistance Team will be recognized as they offer a commitment to continue serving crime victims in Caldwell County.
For additional information on the event, contact Judy Thomas at the Lockhart Police Department, 398-4401.


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