
Delinquent taxpayers face penalties


By LPR Staff

Although many property owners do not think about it, the tightened economy creates hardships not only for individuals and families, but for the governmental bodies that rely on taxpayer dollars to conduct business.

To that end, attorneys for the Caldwell County Appraisal District have recently issued a reminder that ta

xpayers who do not pay their property taxes run the risk of having their property seized and sold at auction.

“This sale is a vital part of the tax collection process,” said Steve Bird, a partner with the Linebarger, Goggan, Blair and Sampson Law Firm this week. “If you don”t pay your local property taxes, this is where things end up.”

Prior to this month”s tax sale, which is scheduled for Dec. 15, 2009, and includes 24 properties, the firm has decided to run a second partial list of delinquent taxpayers in this week”s Post-Register.

The list includes the name of the assessed party, as well as the total tax amount currently shown to be due. It does not necessarily include the properties that will be put up for auction on the steps of the Caldwell County Courthouse during the Sheriff”s Sale next week.

The random list, compiled from public information, includes businesses as well as individuals. Bird said some of the names on the list may already be in foreclosure or otherwise involved in a lawsuit with the Caldwell County Appraisal District.

“We really prefer not to have to resort to this tactic, however there are still a lot of delinquent taxpayers who have not taken any steps whatsoever to address this matter,” he said. “We recognize that a lot of folks might be having difficulty taking care of this matter in full; however, it is still very important that something is done to address it. The problem isn”t going to go away on its own.”

For information on payment arrangements for delinquent taxes, property owners are encouraged to contact the Caldwell County Appraisal District at 610 San Jacinto St., in Lockhart, or to call (512) 398-5550. The CCAD can also provide information on the properties being offered for auction at next week”s tax sale.

The partial list of delinquent taxpayers appears on Page 10A of this week”s Post-Register.


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