Dick Fox


June 17, 1939-October 13, 2022

Eleven months, two weeks- a long time to be hospitalized, to lie on the edge of death.

Dick Fox was born at home in Caldwell County June 17, 1939, to Lillian Bock Fox and Edward E. “Dick” Fox and died Thursday October 13 at Cypress Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center in San Marcos, Texas. His wife Jeannie Clark Fox, two sons Michael E. Fox (Teri) and Stephen E.Fox  (Tatyana), his sister Toni Fox Burns (Dr. Paul Burns), and his special cousin Kay Royen (John) survive him.

He grew up in Lockhart during a time that many believe was the golden age of America.  His family had made it through the Great Depression and World War II.  The great middle class of America was surging, the internet had not yet taken over our lives, and he was free to be a child––to roam the town and explore the country side.  

Dick was a good boy who grew into a fine man.  He was a Cub Scout, a member of the Wolf Pack, and later a Boy Scout. He sold White Cloverine Salve door to door to make money for the family.   Pedaling his bike he delivered grocery circulars and newspapers.

His gang’s hideout was our home on Cibilo Street-Jo Anne Murphree, Mildred Gambrel, Dean and Gene New, Scooter Roberts, and Jack Hale always seemed to be there.  On rainy days they played cards and board games, but their favorite game of all was tormenting his younger sister. He raised pigeons with Dean and Gene.  During baseball season he listened to every game on the radio and kept meticulous records that rivaled any announcer’s.

As a teenager he worked at Coopwood Chapman’s News Stand on Saturdays and Leyendecker’s Plumbing in the summers. After graduating Lockhart High School in 1957, he entered Texas A&M College, was a member of the Corps of Cadets, survived Freshman Hell Week, and graduated with honors in 1961. He was a boy from a small town who had made it to the top in chemical engineering at a great university. His mother and father were justifiably proud of him.  He then served in the US Army Corps of Engineers at Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland.

While at Texas A&M he began working summers for DuPont Chemical in Pasadena, Texas and following his discharge from the army worked for DuPont Chemical until his retirement.  He drove in the same carpool to DuPont every day, until one by one, the other men retired and he was literally the last man standing.  He was nothing if not steadfast.

When he and Jeannie were married in 1982,  their marriage brought him happiness, contentment, and peace. They returned to Lockhart following his retirement. He was a member of the First United Methodist Church of Lockhart, Friends of the Dr. Eugene Clark Library,  Caldwell County Texas A& M Club, and he bagged groceries for HOPE, at the Caldwell County Christian Ministries Food Panty. 

He was a good son who was always on call for his mother and Aunt Bettye Johnson, often under difficult circumstances.  He was a wonderful brother, a good father and a loving husband.

Jeannie was his best friend; she gave him space to pursue solitary interests, but she never hesitated to reign him if he needed it. She cherished their marriage and was a true companion for life. . . in sickness and in health.  In the most frightening moments of his illness she was steadfast–– even when she was crying inside.

During his long and very difficult hospitalization, he never complained–he was the embodiment of grace and demonstrated an unbreakable strength of spirit.  When he left Ascension in Kyle the staff lined up to wish him well.  

His family wants to thank all of the members of the staff at the Luling Post Acute Speciality Hospital, Ascension Seton Hays Hospital, and especially the Cypress Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center in San Marcos who treated him with such tender, loving care.  

We also want to recognize and thank his wife Jeannie who tirelessly drove to San Marcos every day and made each visit a special occasion.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.

But the greatest of these is love.

1 Corinthians 13:13


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