
Floodwaters create havoc in Caldwell County


By LPR Staff



A front came through Caldwell County in the early hours of Thursday morning, dumping as many as 10 inches of rain throughout the county.

Since the storms began, dozens of Caldwell County roads have been closed, and Sheriff’s Office Deputies have responded to several swift-water rescues, including incident

s at FM 1979 at the San Marcos River, Old Colony Line Road, FM 86 and in the Pecan Park area.

One particularly troublesome spot turned out to be on Track Road near FM 20 East, where witnesses suggested an early-morning traveler was swept off the road and into rushing water.

At just after 12:30 p.m. on Thursday afternoon, the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Department confirmed that an individual had been found deceased, in connection with the Track Road incident. Further identifying information on the person involved is pending additional investigation, and notification of next of kin.

At 1:22 p.m. on Thursday, no other missing persons had been reported in the area. However, the situation could change dramatically as the day progresses.

The Sheriff’s Office also reports that the Reverse 9-1-1 System had called for an evacuation of the San Marcos River area, as flood waters from the storm system are expected to surge downstream from other storms throughout the area.

Last reports showed river water up over Main Street, and over the bridge on FM 20 in the Fentress area at 1 p.m.

All Caldwell County residents are urged to use EXTREME caution when traveling, and exercise their best judgment with regard to evacuations. In addition, officials remind county residents that all low water crossings are extremely dangerous with the threat of additional storm surges, and ask people not to cross low-water areas unsafely, and to avoid going around barricades.

Follow us online for additional information on the Halloween 2013 flooding event as details develop.


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